
A Dominating Cosplay

  Dappled light spotted the racks of clothes, both old and new, laid out before Ann. She never expected herself to end up in such a ramshackle, dusty antique store, but her search had now led her to places she wouldn't have even considered in her pursuit of her next big cosplay (costume play). The problem was that she had long since donned the looks of all the anime, videogame, and various media character’s she’d cared the most about, and nowadays was strictly searching for characters with outfits she deemed sexually appealing. As she perused the clothing all around her, there were certainly a lot of materials to work with, but she merely scoffed at them. She’d gotten lazier over time, no longer wanting to invest the time in creating the outfits herself. Truth be told, she never got much praise for her efforts in that regard, despite the hours she toiled away. She worried she didn’t have the looks for striking it big in the cosplay community, but no matter how plain she felt she ap...

Blooming Into You

  Artwork by Mirufui / Based off a roleplay with Terse  I walked within a field of sunflowers, admiring them as I often did. The giant field a few miles outside of town was one I often visited, sort of a sanctuary for me. Here, I felt removed from the hustle and bustle of my weekly grind, basking in the flower's fragrances and at times falling asleep on the soft soil beneath their swaying blankets of shade. Today I decided to wander deep into the massive field, further than I ever had before. Then, I saw her. A mysterious, green haired woman with a parasol walked up to me. She wore a plaid skirt and a waistcoat of similar color and pattern over a plain white shirt. A red eye peering from under the bangs of her wavy, shoulder length green hair gave me a puzzled, slightly worried look. Once upon me, she said nothing. “Ah, um... good day, miss. Didn't expect to see anyone else around here.” I hadn’t expected someone else to be this far out and admittedly was feeling awkward from ...

Paying In Full

  artwork - Kdama Leo shuffled through the sliding doors at the IPC Collections Office, avoiding eye contact with anyone he could. He felt defeated, embarrassed at the state of his life. After such smooth sailing in his pre-college years and how he had entered college with plenty of bravado and confident assurance given to his parents that he’d make it on his own, he was now poor and drowning in debt like many students in today’s world of rising costs. Now he was being forced to face the truth, that he had fucked up. “Five missed payments on your loans Mr. Gregor. And you failed to respond to several of our notices.” The well-dressed lady at the check-in counter commented, scanning a few files she had brought up on her computer. “You know if you had only communicated with us sooner we could have--” “Can’t I just sign whatever forms you need from me. I’ll be sure to remember to pay going forward.” The woman leaned over to look Leo straight in the eyes. “That’s not how this works Mr....

Jackie Blooms

  An exasperated gasp filled the foyer as Jackie shuffled into the house, finally escaping the unbearable summer heat. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she quickly made her way into the shade of the kitchen, taking off her blazer along the way. The commute back and forth from work had been rough this month given the heat, but she always knew she had her girlfriend Megan to look forward to once she was home. However, she had yet to greet her today. Jackie noticed a large box on the kitchen counter and a note to the side of it. Taking a look at the note first, she realized it was from Megan. It read that she had gotten her a gift for their anniversary and that she’d be back soon after grabbing them something nice for dinner. “Crap, it’s our anniversary?” Jackie grumbled. She had forgotten and had no gift she could think of to scrounge up quickly. “I’m sure she’ll understand. Wouldn’t be the first time.” An uncertain smile crossed her face, but a smile nonetheless, as she looked at...