Gift Wrapped Girlfriend

Artwork by Torisukerabasu “Wow, so you really are taking this Christmas wish tree thing seriously huh?” Andrew scoffed as he saw his friend and roommate of less than a year Draymond writing his wish down onto a small piece of paper. He always found him to be rather odd, but this really took the cake. What was he, 8 years old? Andrew snatched the note from Draymond before he could finish folding it up. “You believe in Santa too? Heh, What are you doing this for man?” Andrew questioned, mocking the annoyed friend. “Give it back Dray! It’s just a little good luck charm, that's all. Its not a big deal!” “You sure are acting like it’s a big deal bro, haha!” Andrew said as he backed away from his grabby roommate, dangling the note always just out of reach. He was stepping awfully close to the mess of gift boxes and wrapping ribbons strewn across their living room floor. They had been busy all day wrapping gifts. A large, lengthy box laid just behind Andrew, the most colo...