A Gastly Reward

--Artwork by Tutler and JTveemo-- After a long, arduous tournament against the many other premiere Ghost Pokemon trainers of the Galar region, Bryce had come out on top, his team of Gastly, Gengar, Banette, and Chandelure hopping and swirling about in the air celebrating with him. A booming voice drowned the battle arena, bowl shaped like a soccer stadium, declaring him victorious and announcing him as having gained claim to the ghost expansion gym planned to open soon in the brand new Galar league. His dream of becoming a Gym Leader had come true! As Bryce proudly marched his way to the locker rooms he passed the many memorabilia lining Future Leaders Arena’s hall of fame. FLA was a special place designed to pick out new gym leaders among trainers that are specialists of a certain Pokemon type. It wasn’t often these events were held and these decisions made, so seeing all the iconic trinkets and wears of famed gym leaders past and knowing that he too would be immortalized here s...