
Artwork: Manarestra “Hey babe, what are you up to?” Lucy wrapped her arms around her soon to be husband Matthew. Being shorter than he was by a decent amount, she lifted herself up on his computer chair to peer over his shoulder at what he was doing. “Watching some anime again? Huh, wait!?” Matt squinted as he knew what was coming next. He was trying to finish the latest episode of a romance anime he was enamored with. Unfortunately it was ripe with a certain subject matter he knew his girl had reservations about: Sister-Brother teasing… of the romantic kind. “I knew it, you are watching those incest baiting shows again.” Lucy boasted as she backed up and crossed her arms. “Come on you judge too harshly. Besides I watch for the, ahem, plot .” Lucy was unconvinced. “Yeah, uhuh. Your idea of plot is love of the oversized tits variety. I mean look at the size of hers!” Lucy almost began to laugh before Matthew cut her off and said, “I mean, you swing both ways. You gott...