Haute Body Cuisine

“Alex Nakiri…” The name seemed to hold a certain refinement to it, at least the last name. It was enough to send the seasoned, well-renowned chef-now-food critic Anthony Batali on one of his fine dining daydreams while at his latest restaurant under review. In his mid 40s, he had lost the drive and energy to keep cooking at a high level years ago. He’d often find himself fantasizing about an apprentice for which he could pass on his knowledge. A tall task, as he was extremely picky and particular—much like the subdiscipline of culinary he was a master in, Molecular Gastronomy. He hated the name personally as it made it sound more science than food. To Anthony it was about mingling with and inspiring the chemistry of one’s soul through food. He felt food should communicate with the patron, fill a void in their gut beyond just an empty stomach. For that reason he couldn’t simply choose any driven wannabe chef. And so he dreamed his pervasive hopes away at the sight of every hustl...