Coo Coo for Coco

Artwork: Saalem-tan "Hey Johnny! You wont believe what came in the mail today!?" An excitable, plainly dressed man named Corey shouted as he ran towards the kitchen carrying a large cardboard box. His roommate Johnny was there chewing on some eggs and caffeinating himself. He hopped a bit as Corey slammed the box on the table, completely spilling his coffee. Nearly clawing open the box Corey said, "That Vtuber we both like, you remember? Kiryu Coco? Well turns out she actually is selling some of those bizarre AsaCoco products!" Ripping open the box revealed many different limited items: A canned drink, a hammer, a t-shirt, and a dragon tail butt pl— "Oh sorry, uh that is mine!" Corey nervously said as he swiped and hid the object from sight, slowly backing away. "Uh, you are free to take whatever you want of course." Johnny sluggishly watched his embarrassed friend, failing to fully hide the butt plug, back into his bedroom and fumble at closin...