Coming Out With It

Artwork - Sune Poking the pudge of their cheeks, then twirling their chin-length side bangs, Mason was nervous, and more importantly, unsatisfied with the job they had done over these past few months. Staring back at them through the mirror was not the fully realized, pretty-boy image they had sought. Sure, they had worked out, leaned out a bit, grew out their hair, and even snuck in some product use to clean up their complexion; If these were the results though, why bother? This was all to catch the attention of his best friend Willis, but judging by the lack of comments towards the obvious change in his looks, the attempt had failed. “There is no way that buttmunch hasn’t noticed,” Mason timidly grumbled as he kept trying new angles for which to look at his face. “M-Maybe if I wore a dress…” Mason tipped his head to the ground, eliminating the thought. While prettying himself up was a step he was willing to take, wearing anything overtly girly was a step too far. He very much p...