Karmic Release

Sagiri stared at a line of burning men before her, used to the sight of a particular prisoner set for execution outlasting the executioner as he stood atop a puddle of flaming oil, yawning. "Y'know, you probably shouldn't get this close. I'm not trying to add you guys to my kill-" "SHUT UP!" The local magistrate stamped out the burning flames near him, panicking over the otherwordly sight of Gabimaru the hollow’s apathy towards the hellish torture that was supposed to kill him. He glanced towards Sagiri, hoping she could finally kill him, his existence mocking all common sense. For a second, it almost looked like she was smiling with the nervous expectation of a virgin on her wedding night, but the look must have been a trick of the flame. Her stoic appearance returned as she finished scrawling notes in the tiny journal she kept hidden in the pocket of her robes. She quickly shut it and it vanished within her sleeves as she turned to the desperate magi...