The Will to Win

Artwork - Jamrolypoly “Hell yeah! Beat ya again scrub! Damn, you are such a lightweight man. Think you got a chance at a heavy hitter like me?” His words stung, but Marcus’ friend was right, he sucked at this game. The game was Guilty Gear, a fighting game, his friend’s favorite genre of gaming. He wasn’t the best at them by any stretch, but he enjoyed them. Well, except whenever his friend challenged him. This was one of his worst performances yet and he slouched in embarrassment. “You thought you had me with that Baiken character didn’t ya?” His friend continued. “Thought you could surprise me with a new character. No way man, you got nothing! Ha ha. Nothing!” “Alright, alright… cut it out man.” Marcus said, trying his best to shrug off his friend’s laughter. He knew he shouldn’t let it get the best of him, but it was so hard when he never shut up. “I’m surprised your scrawny ass can even hold up that controller, let alone grip it!” “Dude, what’s your problem? Fuck off!” ...