Taking Root

Artwork - Gu Li A collab between WaverCD and Charoset Nature's ever calming majesty washed over Eric in a blanket of light falling from the canopy of trees. He was alone, isolated in its embrace deep within the woods he loved to hike. It had been a rough day at work, having pulled an all-nighter, and he was restless, mind jumping from one worry to the next as he pondered his finances, politics, all the usual stress factors. Walking like this among the lush greens away from the sounds of society always put him at ease though. He was lucky to have such a vibrant, large patch of woods near his neighborhood. So many of the trees here felt ancient the deeper you went in. The path he chose today was a different one, going off the standard trails and past a stream into a more shaded thicket that provided a warm, ambient glow. He could swear the trees were getting taller as well, far taller than usual as the tops stretched out of sight. Wiping some sweat from his brow, he ran his hand ac...