Toxic Love

Artwork - Nyong Nyong Lawrence slammed an unsettling statue he had just bought onto the vanity while shuffling out of his shoes, having returned home from a trip to his favorite novelty thrift store. He didn’t want to deal with his wife deafening him with complaints, but she was already at it. “So we aren’t calling each other anymore?” She shouted, following him like prey around the living room. “I’m sitting around all day confused, can’t make heads or tails of this gas bill and I can’t even reach you! Why are you so silent lately? You fucking those girls again?” Lawrence angrily tossed his coat at her and yelled, “Oh don’t give me that Tess! As if you haven’t been fucking around yourself! I can’t deal with you at home anymore, so excuse me for making time for myself!” Tess looked like she was ready to blow steam out her ears, scowling at Lawrence turning his back to her. She wasn’t going to stand for it. “Sure, turn your back on me like always big boy! You aren’t the...