A Whole New World

Digimon, a form of life unknown to humans that can only be perceived through data. These creatures come in every shape and size, some looking akin to humans and everyday animals while others are far more monstrous. They live their lives as data within the Digital World, a space created as a byproduct of the technologies of man. Typically the two worlds cannot connect, but one computer genius named Izumi started to peel back their barrier. Observing a strange plane of data that seemed to exist as its own untraceable network had peaked his interest a few months ago, and his attempts at exploring these new digital depths opened a window of sorts. A window that the Digimon Mostromon peered through. Despite being a Digimon with a rather terrifying appearance—tall, hulking and wolf-like, with sharp, spiny fur, claws like knives and a grin like a demon—he possessed a kind, timid soul. There were no strict roles to what a Digimon should be, no basis on appearance dictating what one assum...