Family History

“You weren’t kidding. This place is huge!” Jack’s life-long friend James gawked at the massive, sprawling hall before him at the entrance to a giant mansion. There were marble pillars and walls lined with furbished stone. The outside of the dwelling looked fairly typical for a mansion, but the inside had the feel of a rich, castle interior. “Yeah… my family— left me with a lot, heh.” Jack said while scratching the back of his ear. He was a bit taken aback as well at the sheer size of it all. “I’m honestly unsure what I’m even supposed to do with all this.” James gave a wide smirk. “We throw a party of course! Break the place in you know?” “I’m down. Though, can it be just you and me? I haven’t gotten a good look at the place yet and don’t want anything getting broken or stolen.” While a tad disappointed James agreed. “So your parents never told you about this place?” “Nope! Well-kept family secret I guess. They said they wanted a simple life for me, but were fine leaving any choi...