Paying In Full
artwork - Kdama Leo shuffled through the sliding doors at the IPC Collections Office, avoiding eye contact with anyone he could. He felt defeated, embarrassed at the state of his life. After such smooth sailing in his pre-college years and how he had entered college with plenty of bravado and confident assurance given to his parents that he’d make it on his own, he was now poor and drowning in debt like many students in today’s world of rising costs. Now he was being forced to face the truth, that he had fucked up. “Five missed payments on your loans Mr. Gregor. And you failed to respond to several of our notices.” The well-dressed lady at the check-in counter commented, scanning a few files she had brought up on her computer. “You know if you had only communicated with us sooner we could have--” “Can’t I just sign whatever forms you need from me. I’ll be sure to remember to pay going forward.” The woman leaned over to look Leo straight in the eyes. “That’s not how this works Mr....