You're My Bam-Booo

--Artwork by Night0wl-- “You are hopeless.” Li Chen stared baffled at a glob of latex poorly packaged within a cardboard box. His friend and roommate Kevin had ordered yet another curious piece of furry merchandise. Kevin was obsessed with the furry fandom, always had been. He started drawing anthropomorphic artwork in middle school and hadn’t stopped since. Li wasn’t one to judge and despite having no interest in such things he still considered Kevin his best friend. They had plenty of other similar interests to indulge in after all, however lately Kevin’s interests in this were pushing the lifelong friends further and further apart, their interactions less frequent—Kevin locked away most days toiling away on his art. Li was beginning to worry and grow somber over this odd, growing obsession. While he remained supportive, he couldn’t help but feel that doing so only fueled his friend’s fixation. Looking at the mess around the apartment with the growing amount of furry parap...