You're My Bam-Booo

--Artwork by Night0wl--

“You are hopeless.”
Li Chen stared baffled at a glob of latex poorly packaged within a cardboard box. His friend and roommate Kevin had ordered yet another curious piece of furry merchandise. Kevin was obsessed with the furry fandom, always had been. He started drawing anthropomorphic artwork in middle school and hadn’t stopped since. Li wasn’t one to judge and despite having no interest in such things he still considered Kevin his best friend. They had plenty of other similar interests to indulge in after all, however lately Kevin’s interests in this were pushing the lifelong friends further and further apart, their interactions less frequent—Kevin locked away most days toiling away on his art.
Li was beginning to worry and grow somber over this odd, growing obsession. While he remained supportive, he couldn’t help but feel that doing so only fueled his friend’s fixation. Looking at the mess around the apartment with the growing amount of furry paraphernalia lying about, it seemed the only thing that Kevin’s obsession hadn’t consumed was Li.
He had begun digging through Kevin’s packages that were showing up to the house as of late whenever he was out and they all contained stuff of a similar theme. Fans within the furry community would often create fursonas (anthro persona’s based off a certain animal) for themselves or original characters. Kevin’s personal fascination was with Red Pandas. Most of his artwork and those he commissioned from others as well as the wares he’d buy were always centered around the admittedly adorable creatures. His gifts to himself were becoming more and more expensive, and it seemed to have reached its peak with this latest purchase of his that came out to…
“$800 dollars!!?” Li shouted, appalled by the price on the receipt. How could anyone waste so much money on this… a full-body, latex Red Panda suit.
Li shook his head and let out a sigh. You really went overboard this time Kevin, Li deplored. Pulling out the outfit for a better look he couldn’t help at least marvel at the craftsmanship. It was made of a quality material and the details to the animal features were well done, the claws especially feeling bone-hard and very authentic. The mask of the suit was jarring to say the least, seeing a more realistic representation of a human/red panda hybrid was something else. It was well realized though. Upon first inspection it at least seemed worthy of the price tag.
The suit seemed rather small to him, granted Li was of a much broader build than Kevin was. He was what one might consider the manful one of the two, embodying most of those typical, clean-cut playboy features. Still, Kevin was at least taller and broader than what this seemed to be. Maybe it was for someone else or just a prize for his collection?
Looking over the expensive wears, he was sure his friend would go broke at this rate, knowing that he didn’t hold a particularly lucrative job. Kevin opted for part-time work, giving himself more time to work on his art. Li didn’t want to get in the way of his passions but he also felt it was his duty as a friend to try and reel in Kevin’s unhealthy spending on these… sexual toys?
Li noticed that inside the suit there was a large dildo attached to the mouthpiece of the muzzle as well as another positioned between the legs inside the suit. He also noticed it had a more feminine shape to it. Li knew Kevin got his jollies off to this stuff, but he was certainly curious about this purchase more than any before. He started suspecting something more than just simple experimentation by Kevin with himself.
“You planning to get a girl to wear this man?” Li chuckled. He knew a little about the erotic fascination towards these things, but was still shocked to see something like it up close. “Good luck with that man, heh. A shame there isn’t some real life panda girl to sweep you off your feet.”
Li burst out laughing as he gripped the suit tight. Suddenly, the latex began to ripple across the surface like disturbed water, increasing in intensity the more Li laughed, as if his mockery was agitating it. Then, in a flash, the suit exploded in size into a large, amoeba-like latex mass. It moved with the consistency of slime, wrapping around and hugging tightly to Li’s torso and hips.
He immediately shrieked in terror, the boa-tight grip of the latex suffocating. As he squirmed and hopelessly tried to make sense of what was even going on, the suit began to become even more shapeless. Many of the distinct features of the outfit had been lost, looking more like thick, long taffy wrapped around Li’s body, his struggling arms trying desperately to push themselves out of the goopy mess, creating gummy, connective strings attached to the large collection on his torso as his arms pushed out. Some of the suit around Li’s hips melted into a tendril that coiled around Li’s legs, pinning them together and bringing him to his knees. As much of a sloppy mess the outfit had become, some of the features remained in tact, such as the long tail, mask, feet and hands.
Now squirming on the ground, Li felt the latex beginning to harden back to a normal state after it finished covering most of his body. His feet slipped neatly into the feet of the suit, and his arms settled firmly within the gloved sections, his limbs being squeezed tight. The gummy texture was beginning to fade as the last remnants of the seemingly living suit fitted itself. The mask positioned right in front of Li’s face with ominous intent, the giant dildo coming slowly at his mouth like a docking ship. He couldn’t see it, but soon felt its sibling prodding at the entrance to his virgin butt. The sensation was very foreign and very scary to him. It was so god damn big—both of them were!
Also concerning was the bodily arousal besetting him due to the latex texture of the suit. Every shifting movement within its grip was providing a consistent, light stimulation to his skin. A small film of sweat between the latex and any exposed skin was keeping Li warm and moist. He had never felt latex in this manner before, but knew well its erotic uses. This was unexpected though, just how warm and pleasant he was beginning to feel—it scared him, he was a slave to this second skin’s enhancing touch.
Fuck! Who cares about all that!? Li nervously dismissed. I… I gotta get out of this suit! Damnit Kevin, what did you buy!?
Regaining minor control of his arms, Li powered against the immense grip of the latex flesh and tried to force his way up off the ground. His legs too were gradually being given back to him. He bent both legs, his body getting into a runner’s stance as he powered his posture upward.
The suit was having none of that.
The tight latex immediately crushed his body, bringing him to the floor once more. Every inch of Li’s body was then compressed, rattling within the immense pressure. Even more concerning was the feeling of a warm liquid substance coating his skin beneath it. It was definitely not sweat, it moved too intelligently for that, crawling and sliding across the surface of his skin with a purpose. It was in that moment that Li realized his clothes were missing and that he was completely naked beneath the suit! He had felt them just moments ago. Had the strange fluid assaulting his body dissolved them like an acid?
He had little time to ponder, as the compacting of his body intensified, Li’s whole body shivering with an anticipation he didn’t wish to feel. He tried to find the words to call for help, but all that came out was a painful wail, followed by uncomfortable, guttural grunts while his body snapped in odd manners and into exaggerated postures, being bent and broken by the suit’s own will. The acidic liquids coating his skin made it easier for the latex to slide his body about into new shapes. He felt on fire, the acid the combustible igniting him in flames.
“No! Please stop! What the hell is this!?” Li pleaded. There was no one to answer though. This strange latex had a silent mind of its own that had no care for any other’s influence. It wanted Li’s body. That was all there was to it.
It swiftly put an end to its victim’s protests by finally shoving the large, rubber animal phallus into his mouth. Li gagged, it’s size surprising even though he had stared it down for some time. There was no room within his mouth aside for the smallest bit of air to slip in. His tongue was pinned under the weight of the mighty sheath, feebly wagging about. The mask took position around his face, fitting to it like a glove and soon the same slick liquid began to coat him there as well. His eyes darted about through the eye holes, desperate for any sight of hope within the empty room.
The only help he received however, was help getting the cock stuffed in his mouth going, the living latex beginning to thrust the large dildo in and out while the rest of the mask’s material still clung tightly to his face. The last bit of exposed skin on him was his ass cheeks, that were quickly gobbled up by the liquid latex. Muffled screams echoed in the room, growing louder as the other dildo poking at Li’s butthole began to slowly, yet harshly, push itself inside him. The head was like a shovel parting the walls of his anal cavern apart, burrowing to parts unexplored. He never imagined something could reach so deep inside his ass, that there was that much space in there to fit. Surely it would stop soon, reach a wall or—
Reached an end it did, crashing into his sweet spot, pushing at his prostate. It was a surprisingly euphoric, sudden spark of pleasure. And that sudden spark began to assault his body again and again as the girthy sex toy began to thrust in and out like the one in his mouth. Now plugged below as above, Li was left to the full mercy of the suit, his body being drastically reshaped while being fucked into submission. For Li, it felt impossible to fight back at this point—his body weakened and out of his control.
The full gravity of his changing body was made apparent as the rape of it commenced. His shoulders began to slope, back began to dramatically arc, and his sides caved more inward, bringing about a strange sensation of his innards shifting and shrinking. Small, fleshy globes were being pulled out on his chest, and his ass became more bubbly, forcing the anal plug even flatter against his hole as the two growing cheeks squashed the base. The suit which had been made for a woman, seemed to be making one out of Li.
This can’t be real! Li thought. I’m being fucked by a costume? And this feeling… why can’t I resist!?
The feeling of his ass being penetrated was something so foreign and bizarre that while it scared him, the confusing pleasure arising from his sensitive hole was starting to bring about strange feelings within him. While at this point he didn’t find it enjoyable, his body continued to betray him, his dick growing very erect the more he was face fucked and butt fucked, satisfied drool pouring from out of his gaping mouth. He refused to admit it, but Li was starting to find a certain enjoyment from being stuffed full of cock.
His body looked much thinner and shapely now, the tightening suit forcing a more hourglass shape and even crunching his body down to a more compact size—he must have lost at least a foot in height. It was as if all the mass had been eaten away. It further accentuated Li’s squirming, moaning body. By his movements it’d appear to anyone as if he were enjoying it. But Li was alarmed, he didn’t want any of this, he didn’t want this feminine looking body! He started imagining that he must look like horny woman being pistoned back and forth by two meaty cocks. No, this wasn’t the time to be fantasizing, certainly not over that! What was he thinking!?
The more Li denied the ecstasy growing within him, the tighter the suit became until it got to a point where it felt more like an actual second skin. Slowly but surely Li could feel less and less of the liquid substance on his skin, and more the air, almost as if the suit were his skin! His face, bottom, and other parts still felt intact, but it was unmistakable that more of him was beginning to feel the cool touch of the air. The damn thing was fusing with him!
He cried out in protest within his mind as he felt the warm, clingy embrace of the latex fitting around his erect cock. It gripped and massaged the throbbing member, his balls being contained into large sacks created by the suit. Maybe it was the eruption of delight rippling across his form acting like a sledgehammer to his brain, sending a revitalized energy throughout his body, but the overwhelming fervor building within his cock gave Li the power to once again push forward and start crawling towards the front door of his apartment. As he crawled, he noticed dark-brown and ruddy fur beginning to grow on his arms, the painted patterns of the suit made to imitate the look of a red panda becoming the fur itself. But he could feel the hairs growing off his actual arms. This was no longer a suit, this was clearly him now. He didn’t know if he could stop it, surely he had already lost a part of himself already, but he had to try!
He would never succumb to this… this pleasure! No this… this liberating… feeling… this amazing… soft fur… no he had to fight it!
You’re almost to the door Li! Come on! Fight! Fight…
Li’s resolve, while he thought admirable, was ultimately futile, the suit sensing the growing acceptance within its host’s mind put an end to his doubts. Li could never understand furries before, but he would now.
Fuck, my ass! I think I can feel it in my belly… Oh god! They’re so big! It… It feels so good!!!
It was surprising to him that he loved being dominated like this. He was warming up to the feeling of dick inside him. He was becoming more in tune with the touch of it against his inner sanctum and more appreciative of the shape as he felt out the contours with his throbbing body, marveling how different points could stimulate in different ways.  The veiny ridges of the cock rubbing against his anal walls and the roof of his mouth, the mushroom heads delivering cushioned blows from high impact thrusts, making it all feel delicate and forceful at the same time. Yes, the dick was a magnificent tool. Li’s realization left him wanting more, asking for more.
The dildos in both Li’s ass and mouth seemed to reply, exploding in size and beginning to fiercely wriggle down his throat, growing into longer, tentacle like appendages. They were becoming more of the liquid latex that had assaulted him earlier, only now it was forcing itself inside his body, deep inside. He choked on the bulbous mass clogging and moving down his throat, filling his belly and spreading throughout his organs. The slithering serpent in his asshole found its way into his intestinal track, coating every inch of his innards it could, prodding and poking the deepest core of his being. Any leftover latex around his ass and mouth fused themselves to the skin there, permanently locking Li within his new body.
He was in utter chaos. Every muscle, bone, and organ began to reshape in unreal, garishly animated ways, as if his body were nothing but dough being shaped. A huge amount of fat and tender muscle built itself on his thin body, inflating his hips, thighs, and ass to outlandishly thick proportions. His body stayed very shapely throughout it though, the extra chunkiness taking nothing away from his womanly physique. Li stayed on all fours and took it, screaming in bliss beneath the mask fusing with his face, his howls of pleasure desperate to break free.
The small breasts that had formed on him earlier began to jiggle about, gaining several pillowy layers of flesh. They were enlarging quite quickly, as were his now jet-black nipples which fattened and became erect, plumping into delicious suckers atop the rising peaks. Pints of panda milk built within the bobbing delights hanging from Li’s chest, helping form them into sagging, melon-sized human udders. Dark brown fur quickly swarmed around the surface of them, covering every smooth inch and cutely tufting up outside the top of the cleavage and below his neck.
Some extra chubbiness came to his core as well, but it remained firm and rooted to the hourglass shape his body seemed compelled to keep no matter what—a tightly wedged dip snapping right in the exact middle of his torso and backside between his hips and now broader upper torso that seemed built to specifically hoist up his massive chest. As his hips snapped even wider, the fat in his ass cheeks rippled and filled with newfound fat to compensate. Colossal, peach-shaped cheeks clapped together as they formed a firm crevice gating away Li’s precious hole. His burgeoning thighs pressed against his still throbbing member, agitating the already agitated dick even further, which was suddenly being filled with a strange substance. The latex liquid was pumping itself through the veins of his cock and filling his balls. Pre-cum dripped from the tip of his cock—being stained the same jet-black as his nips—as it pulsated and grew in size. Larger and larger it became, looking like the sturdy, thick trunk of a tree pitching up from a grassy patch of fur where his pubes once were—A near literal third, beefy leg emerging. While it grew it felt as if it were being sucked by an invisible force, the blessed mouth of the suit pulling it out longer than Li thought possible, like it was a root within his body being pulled out from under the surface.
This is amazing! This is fucking amazing! Li screamed in his mind, primal instincts and pleasures awakening within him that he had no idea existed. Gazing down at his large chest he was feeling a sense of pride over his new girls, a certain feminity flowering up his appreciation towards his body. I feel so beautiful, so powerful, so free! I feel... I feel like a beast!
It all felt so freeing to Li now, as if a buried desire within him was gaining more prominence. People always talked of letting their inner animal loose, but it felt like that saying had to have some truth to it judging by what Li was experiencing. He could feel his own inner animal running berserk within him—it wanted out! There was still the lingering thought that the suit must be affecting him in some way, but he no longer cared. Li wished down to the very pits of his soul to always feel this way.
Li began to quickly fill out the remaining animal features of the suit that had taken him. His toes began to crack and snap as they became thicker. The realistic claws on the feet of the suit pierced his toes and embedded themselves there, becoming his own while his old nails were eaten away, his feet now fully merged with the suit and now brandishing stubby, angular claws. His hands remained rather human still—though more refined like a woman’s now, and his fingernails rose to the surface of the latex skin that was now settling in as Li’s new, furry pelt. Both of his ears were violently tugged about and became larger and rounder as they filled in the shape of the mask’s furry, saucer shaped ears. His ass tensed up as the suit’s hollow tail began to suck at his tail bone and skin up through it like a straw. The tail bone grew and thickened out from above his bottom, puffy, long hairs branching out from it until it formed the beautiful, red and brown ringed fur coat of the suit’s tail. Every foot of it that pushed outward was sweet, agonizing relief, like a sensitive, second dick emerging from his backside—the pleasure trickling along the vertebrae of his tail, up his spinal cord, flooding throughout his body, and erupting out his thick, meaty, still-human cock as hot, white passion. The tail grew surprisingly massive in size, larger than it looked initially on the outfit, becoming longer than the height of Li’s body and thick enough to wrap himself into a fuzzy cocoon.
Tail wagging excitedly, Li awaited the final changes, his interior face shifting and contorting beneath the pull of his own new skin. It was grotesque and beautiful at the same time, a mouth peeling itself free from the skin covering it, eyes bulging out from their sunken state from where the eye-holes of the mask used to be and fusing with the bubbling skin outlining them. A short, pronounced muzzle pushed itself out from Li’s formerly human face, his upper lips curling into padded, down turned flaps above the mouth while his cheeks became chubbier—the space inside his mouth increasing. Next, the straight, silky black, waist-length human-styled hair of the mask pierced his head, rooting itself and becoming his new hair, his old hair dissolved by the acids earlier. His visage slowly shifted to that of a marriage between human female and red panda, sharp, striking, angular eyes, with thick pointed lashes, brimming with confidence and joy over what had transpired.
Li’s soul was soaring and his heartbeat stomping as his identity took a turn. This animal inside, there was something so soft and maternal about it, yet fierce all the same. Li was no longer a human, but more than that Li no longer felt like a man. He had a fiery woman’s soul breaking free—mannerisms, words, and train of thought all becoming wrapped into a more ladylike package.
Li wondered if she should be feeling this way having such an enormous male organ plastered onto her body. But, she no longer adored it as a man, no, this was the prized possession of a prideful woman. This wild ride had made a dick lover out of her, so it only felt right to posses a shining example of what she loved so instinctively now. It was something she could happily flaunt along with the beautiful, corpulent ornaments dangling from her chest. She may have discovered a new need for being dominated by male cock, but she didn’t want to give up dishing it out either.
Her wild soul craved for both.
It all felt so right, this was what she was always meant to be! How could she have left this side of her buried for so long? This animal inside, this thirsty dame, it must have been there all along, calling out to her on deaf ears from the void. Finally though, the beast was set free! The woman was set free! She was finally whole!
Out with the animal came the final touches; the fur finished forming across her whole body, white fuzz filling her face, tickling her new wet, padded nose at the end of her short muzzle. Sharp teeth grew within her widening mouth as she was finally able to open wide once more and moan like the needy panda bitch she was. She needed to let it all go, this aching in her dick was driving her crazy. Her balls were so full of spunk, years of her panda soul’s lust for freedom built up.
Her nose twitched excitedly and she closed her eyes, feeling the rising tides within her pushing towards her shaft. Her cock was enormous, the smooth mushroom head as wide as a pickle jar lid and as big and weighty as a super-stuffed dumpling. Her hulking piece of stiff wood, large and fertile enough to fuel it’s own fire, was ready to explode. Enough was enough!
“Yes, yes! I-It’s cummiiing! GYAAHH!!!” She cried out, Li’s now spirited, feminine, contralto voice finally letting loose for the first time. Her claws dug into the carpet and her hands clenched tightly into fists.
It was a garish scene of steamy, macabre white. Hot cum streamed out first as fast and fierce as the water from a fire hose, before quickly settling into large, hefty launches of gunk. Payload after payload was dropped onto the floor around Li, her stumbling about on her hands and knees in enraptured bliss. There was so much, it seemed as if it would never cease. Even after the initial onslaught her throbbing cock persisted, dribbling out thick drops of extra semen even over half-a-minute later.
She shivered and panted, her voice lacking the energy to even whimper. It was all so amazing and so much to take in. She finally understood now, finally understood Kevin. It was then the lust within her began to build once more. She quickly realized she wanted to fuck Kevin. She thought maybe it could have been anyone, that her needs were just that insatiable. But no, Kevin was special to her—more so now than ever before. They had been friends all their lives, and now they could be so much more, her one-track instincts now craving her friend in a more feral way. She was very much an animal now after all, and though she lacked a womb, she still wished for a mate of her own. She giggled at the thought of taking Kevin as her man, who would’ve thought it would've come to this, but she was being driven crazy by her instincts and Kevin felt like a confident choice.
There was no way Kevin would ignore her now. She would give him the dream he surely always wanted.
A few hours later, Kevin arrived home. He was taken aback as he came into the living room to notice a bunch of dry, crusty pools of white littered across the floor. It was a complete disaster zone. Frustrated, he called out Li’s name, figuring it was his doing. He wasn’t quite sure what it was, but it stunk. He then made his way to his bedroom and was frozen in his tracks.
Lying on his bed, curled into a furry ball was a life-size Red Panda woman. Kevin could hardly believe it. He stood speechless, blinking rapidly, wondering if he was dreaming. The sleeping anthro beauty slowly rose up and gave a lengthy yawn and huge stretch of her arms, giving Kevin full sight of her full, thick, shapely form. She indeed had the distinct red, brown, and white fur of a red panda with the signature striped tail, which waved about elegantly behind her, but also possessed some delightful black human hair as well that fell gracefully down the sides of her chest and upper back. Her eyes slowly opened, revealing pupils that shined like jewels, made ever more alluring paired with the red stripes wiped across her cheeks below them. This was the most beautiful creature Kevin had ever seen, and it looked so similar to the outfit he had ordered too. Aside from the giant… dick?
“Wait a minute…” Kevin mumbled as he started to put the pieces together. He had seen a giant box torn open in the living room. He had ordered a full size red panda girl suit that he hoped some lucky lady might wear someday. And now there was an actual, honest to god furry in his bedroom! The pieces were all there, but it was far too impossible for it to be true.
“Ah, there is my sweet bam-booo.” Li sultrily spoke as she arose to her feet and walked towards the nervous, confused Kevin, backing him against a wall, her long tail coiling tenderly around him. The sensation of the coarse, yet soft fur against his skin made Kevin anxious, it was such a rush to feel the actual fur from his fantasies.
“W-What the? Who are you!?” Kevin asked.
“Why, I’m your friend Kevin, and the lady of your dreams.” Li said with a slight giggle, her voice always carrying a reserved chipperness to it. “I never really understood the true allure of this stuff, but you know, this really is quite amazing.
“Wait, wait no way! No, no! Li!?”
Li then pressed into a deep kiss with Kevin, her animal mouth feeling odd and misfit for Kevin’s, her flat tongue doing most of the actual pressing against his lips, able to move around with great articulation like a pseudo-thumb. She then pulled back, leaving Kevin a gasping, emotionally jittery mess. She then licked in a path from his cheeks up through some of his hair a couple times lovingly.
“Mmm, salty.”she teased.
Kevin was taken to the bed by Li, who proceeded to explain everything to him.
“I just… can’t believe you are actually real.” Kevin said, looking more astounded and aroused by the minute.
“Heh, yeah well, get used to it. I’m all yours now.”
“Wait, what?” Kevin said, staring down at the massive, erect cock on Li’s new body. He gulped, thinking over the prospect of being with a woman like her. This wasn’t exactly what he had pictured—shemales were definitely his favorite, but he wasn’t expecting a dick of this magnitude. Still, there was excitement brewing in his heart. This was all so crazy, the furry girl of his dreams was standing in front of him, offering herself to him as a mate, and it was his best friend to boot! This was like some crazy, perverse fantasy of his come to life!
“I… I might need to think about it. I mean, you are very b-beautiful, but I—”
Li shoved Kevin down onto the bed and began to strip his pants. Kevin thought about protesting, but mumbled more than anything.
“Heh, you’re not talking your way out of this Kevin. We are mates now, simple as that. I know you want this.”
Kevin without saying a word agreed and took off his own shirt, still looking a nervous wreck.
“Besides, you have to take responsibility for what you’ve done to me.” Li teased, flipping Kevin over on his stomach.
“Wait, what are you—?”
“Oh don’t worry dear. You’ll get your turn. But ladies first.”
Kevin soon screamed out in agonizing bliss, as the top half of Li’s monstrous cock penetrated his tight hole. His anal walls could hardly even flex, they were stuffed so to the brim—there was no way the entire thing would fit. It didn’t need to fit in all the way though, the sex was just as rough and wild as needed. Kevin struggled through things it being his first time up the ass and with Li having such a fierce tool at her disposal, but he gladly gave himself over to her. Love was a two way street after all, and boy did he love his new panda babe.


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