
Showing posts from April, 2019

Wicked Lust

The tales were terrifying. A wicked witch that enslaved an entire villages’ worth of people, turning them into her obedient, monstrous familiars. Slaves that waited on her hand and foot with no will of their own, made into animal hybrids for which their master used to terrorize the land and service her insatiable needs. They were nothing but pets to her. They were her playthings, as was the world and the rest of its people. As her insanity and wants grew, so did the destruction of the land around her mansion, her reach ever growing. Those were the horror stories told by many of the villages and cities of the old land, a place where fact or fiction, fairy tail or historical account, could be hard to distinguish. The stories of this supposed witch and her home were famous, and yet no one could recall how she had ever come to be defeated, how all the mayhem had been stopped. So it was understandable that Deiser the thief and Tharkis the Barbarian were skeptical, thinking it more lik...