Wicked Lust

The tales were terrifying. A wicked witch that enslaved an entire villages’ worth of people, turning them into her obedient, monstrous familiars. Slaves that waited on her hand and foot with no will of their own, made into animal hybrids for which their master used to terrorize the land and service her insatiable needs. They were nothing but pets to her. They were her playthings, as was the world and the rest of its people. As her insanity and wants grew, so did the destruction of the land around her mansion, her reach ever growing.
Those were the horror stories told by many of the villages and cities of the old land, a place where fact or fiction, fairy tail or historical account, could be hard to distinguish. The stories of this supposed witch and her home were famous, and yet no one could recall how she had ever come to be defeated, how all the mayhem had been stopped. So it was understandable that Deiser the thief and Tharkis the Barbarian were skeptical, thinking it more likely some callous broad with enormous wealth spooked the locals with magical sciences. However, they felt there might be enough truth to make it worth scoping out the land to see if her manor house truly did exist. There would certainly be bountiful treasures awaiting them, if any sort of aspiring, rich witch of a women had indeed existed in some fashion.
Both lived the adventurer lifestyle for different reasons and both were making quite a name for themselves while amassing quite a fortune. For Deiser, he merely wished to become as wealthy as possible and live the rest of his life comfortably. All the looting of abandoned castles, manors and keeps for treasure was just a means to an end. The renown meant little to him by itself. For Tharkis, it was all fun and games, a conquest worth conquering. He loved the attention he received as an adventurer, showing his mettle whenever he’d been hired for battle or slaying any beasts they came across in the more dangerous lands they roamed. Nothing was a match for him and his might as a warrior. He also adored the attention of the ladies, spreading his love wherever he roamed. He often joked about how he belonged to no woman, but that all women belonged to him. Deiser couldn't help but laugh at the pathetic candor.
The two had traveled for days across unfamiliar landscapes that were rarely explored due to the fear of what laid within the witch’s land. It was true that the place had an ominous feeling to it, dead, grassy plains and broken, withered trees as far as the eye could see. There was also the knowledge that many who had come in the past had mysteriously disappeared. Tharkis and Deiser chocked it up to inexperience, as there were many large cougars, panthers, and other such beasts along the way, as well as hazardous ravines and quicksand. They had both made it past with relative ease, proof of their experience.
Passing over another large hilltop, they finally laid their eyes on their gem wedged within the sickly plains. The manor they had hoped to find was sitting as a glorious speck out in an empty expanse. They rushed to it, hearts racing. The closer they got to the manor, the more shockingly lavish it appeared, bursting with radiance as if it had never been abandoned and never unkempt. It looked as if it could have been constructed yesterday.
The wood and stone structure towered above them as large as a castle, multiple floors and decks held up by large pillars, impeccable woodwork decorating the exterior walls and large windows. Once they entered inside however, a foul stench hit them as swiftly as an enemy rushing them down. The interior was a mess, a putrid, decrepit sight of cobwebs, dust, and old furniture. It was odd to say the least. The beautiful exterior was like a shiny treat that beckoned one towards it, only to be met by a harsh, disgusting reality. A trap perhaps? They couldn’t know for sure, but felt prepared to explore the dwellings despite their concerns.
The deeper they ventured through the many rooms, searching every nook and cranny, what they found was mostly garbage. Anything that could’ve been promising had aged and lost all worth. Being a supposed Witch’s house, they were hoping for jewels, runes, elaborate trinkets and the sort. Nothing though.
“I knew we were barking up the wrong tree. This place is a dump.” Tharkis said, disgruntled.
The more optimistic Deiser responded, “Well, let’s not give up just yet. There is still plenty to explore here, and it wouldn’t be the first time we found a pretty pot after a long, dry search.”
“I guess so…”
Tharkis tore open every drawer and felt around every crawl space. He eventually came across a wardrobe containing some magnificent gowns that had unfortunately grown tattered over time.
“Someone special must have lived here, but why all the way out here?” Deiser questioned as he peeked around the much larger Tharkis at the clothing. “I’ve never seen anything quite like these, or this place.”
"Yeah, it’s a real marvel. A shame we didn’t come across a beautiful witch huh?” Tharkis chuckled. “How much you wanna bet she couldn’t resist my magical charms?
Deiser laughed and said, “I wouldn’t doubt. You do have a way with women Tharkis.”
He gazed at their surroundings. It was starting to feel like a waste of time, but he didn’t want to give up. They had only explored the first floor after all.
“Hey, why don’t you venture downstairs. I’ll go up.” Deiser suggested.
“Sounds like a plan.”
The two then departed. A feint purple glow began to radiate from the hallway above as Deiser made his way upstairs. He would’ve called back down to Tharkis, but figured it best for them both to keep covering as much ground as possible. The glow was promising though—the shine of gems perhaps? Unknown to him, the true treasures of the house had felt his presence, awakened by his approaching footsteps.
Deiser inched up the stairwell, watching the purple lights shimmer off the walls. He turned the corner at the top and squinted, the brighter-than-he-was-expecting light piercing his line of vision. Using his hand as a shield from it, he fast approached the room at the end of the hallway, a dark, dusty study of sorts with books upon books bordering the walls. Once he entered and adjusted to the dim light he took in the view of his surroundings. It did look like a dwelling fit for a witch, antique books with lavish, yet creepy bindings and covers, odd furniture such as chairs and tables with curving backrests and tops and crooked legs.
As he surveyed the room, he saw where the glow had been resonating from. In the corner lay a small hi-table with a hat that could only be described as that of a witch—a large, wide circular lip with a misshapen, slouching, pointed top and a wavy opening that looked almost like a mouth cut into it, some faintly bright purple material shining inside it. Next to the table leaned a long, hooked staff, colored a dark purple just like the hat, with jagged openings riddled across the surface that wrapped around the staff that seemed encrusted with purple gems that shined brilliantly, still giving off a faint glow—it must have been what was blinding him before.
Deiser was immediately captivated by the glimmering rod. It looked apart from everything else in this entire manor, not a speck of dust or wear on it. It appeared as if it was forged the day before. Surely this would be worth a fortune—the size and splendor of the gems worked into the staff of a far greater quality than any he had ever laid eyes on.
He reached out towards it in what seemed like slow motion, anticipation growing within him. He was anxious to grab the staff, yet his body seemed reluctant as if sensing something ominous within the air. Going against his better instincts he grabbed hold and was immediately met by a rush of electricity coursing through him. He was shell-shocked and could not think, his body thrashing at the whims of the powerful magical energy bombarding it. A thick miasma soon arose from openings within the rod and hovered devilishly in the air for a minute or so, slithering and spectating Deiser with an odd sentience.
Once it had its fill of watching him, it forced itself down his throat, his lungs intaking the dark purple smog in one uncomfortably long inhale. It took all of his breath away and he became lightheaded before falling limp to the ground. He had passed out and all the electricity flowing through him had ceased, a thin purple glow outlining his body all that remained, before it too slowly faded away.
Deiser awoke on the floor some minutes later with a stinging headache. It took him a few moments to recollect himself and get to his feet. The last few minutes were a blank. As he cleaned some of the dirt off his arms he noticed they looked smoother and hairless. He wasn’t all that hairy to begin with, but he certainly had some semblance of dark hair tracking along his arms, as well as a few sunspots here and there. At least, he thought he did, but clearly there was nothing present, his skin as fine as a beautiful princess—a critique he built himself up to after examining the rest of his body further. His complexion was stunning!
Maybe I hit my head harder than I thought? Deiser wondered, a bit confused but ultimately growing dismissive of the situation. Why am I worrying over this? I’ve always had fair skin, yeah…
Besides his skin, Deiser also glanced fondly at his refined, glossy fingernails that looked somewhat feminine, the tips longer than he remembered. He was always considered the pretty one of the two, he and Tharkis. Deiser chuckled over the fact he hadn’t really taken enough notice of his own bodily perfections before. He never had to really work much for these looks either; he possessed natural beauty after all.
The man awestruck by his own body, had no idea that gradual changes were sweeping over him, that this beauty was not his own, but one he was poisoned with moments ago when the thick, evil cloud of the staff had entered him. There was nothing kind about that mucky smog, pure evil radiated from it, and it had chosen Deiser as its vessel.
Surveying the room once again, he tried to remember why he had passed out. He soon spotted the Witch’s staff lying on the ground glowing. The moment he laid eyes on it he felt a numbness in his brain, as if some invisible force was trying to embed itself in his head, burrowing deeper to nest. As he clutched his scalp, his body began to thin out, his muscles and the thickness of his frame fading and giving way to a more slender shape. His skin and tissue were shifting and pulsating as if they were alive individually from him. Every fiber of his being was inhaling and exhaling, with each exhale expunging his masculine features, his body looking ever more androgynous by the moment.
The ringing in Deiser’s head finally began to fade, and with it came some clarity of the situation. Yes, he was in search of an item he had once lost, something that was rightfully his. He could feel the call of this mystical object as a hum in his mind. He stumbled in a daze towards a wall of the room while trying to recollect himself, his hair beginning to grow longer as he did. It became much thicker and wild in its shape, long, pointed bundles sticking out as well as curling in. There was a wispy, waving manner to the hair the longer it grew—far down to his bottom. Suddenly, with a loud flurry of cracks, Deiser’s body swiftly shrunk in size, his bones snapping and mending as he did. His shoulders and limbs slimmed down considerably, and his entire body became a much more modest size. His loss of height brought his hair down even further, down to the knees.
Instinctively Deiser grunted in pain, but these changes were ultimately lost to him—he was far too internalized, the pressure in his head building as an invasive force assaulted his every thought. These were not the thoughts and memories of Deiser that were spilling to the forefront of his mind, they were of something else, someone else. He thought hard about the item he now believed he had lost, his prized possession, a source of great power. That’s right, he once possessed immense, terrifying powers, but had somehow been drained of them. He had come here seeking them out.
“Yes…” Deiser muttered. “My staff. My magic was sealed away in my staff here, at this manor.”
Deiser suddenly grunted again as another rush of strange memories flooded his psyche. Memories of his own life began to bleed over the new ones, his relationship with Tharkis becoming more of a man for hire for himself instead of a life long friend. His adventures were being embellished by acts of indecency on his part, slaughter and debauchery that he and Tharkis brought to the places they ventured to. A wicked smile began to cross his face as he remembered the foreign visions fondly.
He was finally coming back to and regaining a firmer grasp on his movements when he said, “Good times. But enough of the past, I must find my staff.”
Staring back to the corner of the room he had been before, he saw it. The glorious sight of it made him shiver with delight, its power bringing a chill to the room. He rubbed his arms nervously to warm them up. Feeling his softer, more tender physique as he hugged himself brought no notice from him. At this point it felt natural, as if he had always looked and felt like this.
As Deiser slowly made his way towards the staff, his body continued to change. His thighs thickened a bit, gaining more corpulence near the top. His hips then widened, the sounds of cracking bones echoing out with each step he took, the sway to his walk becoming more feminine, causing his butt cheeks to bob up and down—his ass billowing with extra fat as he continued his stride. Despite the extra girth growing below, his body was still very slim and his raggedy clothing was fitting very loose now from his loss of mass. His pants slipped off his legs, belt and all. He still continued though, his confident steps undeterred—his treasure was in sight.
Deiser’s thoughts became ever more wicked the closer he came to the witch’s staff. Macabre rituals and lust filled nights became the norm as he thought of ways he and Tharkis might celebrate their find here at… his... home. Yes, this was his home and this was his staff, right where it should be, in his wiccan workshop. It was all coming back to him, he must have hit his head when he fell cause how could he forget!? He was a witch. The most powerful witch that had ever existed. And he was feared by all, rightfully so too. His deliciously evil deeds were legendary!
A few steps from the staff, Deiser’s chest began to swell. Succulent, soft flesh added to his pecs, pushing them out into fatty mounds. They jiggled a bit with each growth spurt before sloshing into place as a pair of fully formed modestly sized breasts. The changes to his body and the excitement he felt looking at the staff set his body ablaze. His dick was as stiff as his magic rod, pure excitement in the air. A wicked smile curled on Deiser’s face as he finally seized the magic rod once more.
Suddenly, a fiery blast of dark mist circled around him, engulfing him in purple flames. The gems on the staff shined brilliantly as they dumped copious amounts of dark magic that had been sealed away back where it belonged. His body shivered in ecstasy as his lost power returned to him and along with it a name too that had been lost to time, her name…
“Yes! Yes!” Astera celebrated in a flurry of howling moans. “My power is returning! Oh how I missed this! Ahahaha!!”
Her dick fired off in celebration, unloading hot, thick sperm into her undergarments. It made a sightly mess, though that was of little consequence once the flames surrounding her burned away every trace of clothing. Her eyes lit up with purple embers and her mind expanded, knowledge of all the dark spells and curses she had forgotten returning to her. Her power grew with her knowledge, the flames spreading further and further out from her body as she evolved, everything within the room being burned to a crisp.
Playful, devilish thoughts of what she’d do first after claiming her powers back danced in her head like lovely daydreams. Her train of thought, her personality even, gained a certain methodical and vile refinement to it the more she planned—her lust too becoming ever more corrupt by the second. She still had so many hexes she needed to try and so many experiments to perform. She needed to reclaim her lost territory as well, spread her nightmarish grasp across the lands once more. But first… yes first she had to create her servants, her sexy, animal slave women that lived only for her.
With thoughts of the beautiful pets in her heart and mind, her ecstasy and power reached its peak and she came as gloriously as she ever had before. Her hips snapped wide and her organs exploded into a misshapen form within her, rearranging themselves. Her balls sucked up inside her, cuddling themselves deeper into new positions, becoming a pair of ovaries ready to carry the seeds of evil. Her body rejected the manhood that remained on her, her cock exploding into flames and merely disintegrating out of existence. Left behind was a fresh, fired up pussy secreting sweet witch’s honey. In the final throes of her orgasm, Astera’s knees buckled and she was forced to use her staff for support, her legs quivering in absolute rapture. A few panicked squirts of cum christened her sweaty thighs, coating their brilliance with the fruits of the dark magic that fucked her back into existence.
“Ohhh… such malevolent bliss. I feel so alive.” Astera gushed while she recovered, her way of speaking coming across as if she relished in every word she spoke, her words made to be indulged. Her thoughts however were quickly moving forward to the task at hand and her first victim. “Surely my lascivious howls caught the attention of that horny brute Tharkis, hee hee.”
Indeed Tharkis had heard the thunderous cries of a woman echoing throughout the upper floors of the manor, as well as the sounds of a rampaging wind. He hurried towards the stairs where he had parted with Deiser. Reaching the foot of them, Tharkis looked up and saw a beautiful nude maiden staring back at him, a snaring look of allure on her face. She was a type Tharkis usually fawned over, but there was something about her presence and commanding snare that unsettled him. And yet, he felt charmed by her all the same. He couldn’t worry about that now though, he had to find out what happened to Deiser!
“Looking for your friend?” The mysterious woman calmly and coldly spoke before giggling. “This way.”
She gave little time for Tharkis to think as she walked down the upper floor hallway away from the stairs. Tharkis wasted no time, he wasn’t a thinker but a man of action. The name of his friend was enough to send him chasing after this woman whether it be a trap or not. As beautiful as she was, she was clearly the culprit of whatever happened to Deiser, that much was evident in her evil, uncaring tone.
As he reached the hallway he caught sight of the woman disappearing into a room at the far end. He dashed forward with all his might, hand ready on his axe to draw. He couldn’t make sense of just why he felt so damn uneasy that he had to be prepared for anything, but he did not question his instincts. Deiser was his closest friend, they were like family. He had to find him. He had to know he was okay!
Tharkis arrived, eyes steeled and ready to strike. What he saw caught him by surprise however and tempered him somewhat. The mystery lady sat cross-legged at the end of a single, lavish bed planted in the middle of an empty room. The sight was both hypnotic as well as ominous within the dim-lit, void-like space—most of the light coming from shifting, purple flames bordering the woman’s body. It was like the beauty before him was all he could see, all his eyes were drawn to. Her sharp stare pierced his body and tried desperately to grab hold of his heart.
Thump… Thump… Thump…
Tharkis was rattled to his core, his feet moving his body forward, stumbling quickly forward to the rhythm of his tangled heartbeat. He couldn’t take his eyes off hers’, her vicious stare surprisingly filling his body with a comforting warmth. He no longer knew his own intent as he approached, but his malice towards her was being covered by hazy blanket of confusion and admiration. Those eyes of the woman were more beautiful than any jewel he had seen, and they seemed to be calling to him, assuring him that they were all his for the taking if he would just join her in the bed.
Astera’s spell had quickly and efficiently stolen the man’s heart. She laughed in victory as he lumbered onto the bed like a drunken pup of a man, starry eyed over its new master. Tharkis kept falling faster and faster into his stupor that his less-than-sharp mind had no means to keep up or to fight back. The proud, alpha barbarian had never seen such a perfect object of affection. He was willing to do anything the hypnotic suggestions within his mind asked of him if it meant time with this beauty. Deiser no longer mattered, this feeling and this pleasure was all that he had looked for in his life. This was true happiness.
Astera clenched her fist and her magic tightened its grip permanently upon Tharkis’ mind, the overwhelming power effectively killing any further resistance. He was her loyal pet now, all the conditioning needed flooding his mind.
“So easy!” the cold-hearted witch laughed. “But the heart wants what it wants. And you are a particularly ruttish creature.”
Tharkis began to crawl onto Astera like the horny mind slave he now was while she playfully pinched his cheeks. She appreciated his eagerness, but this was not the position for one of her playthings. She used a push of magical force to gently launch Tharkis off her. He landed on his backside on the bed and Astera soon sensually crawled into position above him, pinning him down silently by stare alone—her eyes were the tool to keeping him in line, one look enough for obedience. This was all about her fun. He had no place for decisions of his own. She undressed him and traced his laboring chest, down his hard abs all the way to his cock.
“Uhn, hah! Mistress…” Tharkis moaned. The mere touch of her hand to his dick sent him shivering in delight. Her potent energies aroused the body in ways no other human could match.
“Oh you sweet thing,” Astera mocked. “Already so eager to serve me, body and soul.” She slowly beat off his cock as she stared down the brawn of the man before her, giving unsatisfied glares. “This simply won’t do though. No, no, I do not desire this form of yours you stupid man.”
Despite her harsh ridicule, Tharkis was unwavering in his love for her, simply giving in to her coaxing hands.
“I am in need of a familiar. Hm, so what do you say my sweet toy? Your existence would mean far more to me. The pleasures and gains unrivaled compared to any of my other subjects. You will help give rise to something extraordinary!”
“Yes, Mistress. Let me… help you. Let me serve you!”
“Good boy.”
Astera let go of the poor man’s cock, only to assault it with her tight, wet slit. For Astera this was a ritual, an initiation. As she began to ride Tharkis she bent him further to her will. The feel of her inner walls clamping down onto his cock was beating into him unimaginable pleasure. Her magic enhanced everything, the dark seductive energies eating away at the man’s soul, erasing all things once held important to him. It would all be her now, all he would live for and seek was her. And as she became more fixed into his mind, Tharkis’ body began to transform, the manly physique he possessed rapidly fading away.
Astera would often transform her victims into personal subjects and playthings, but she had something special planned with Tharkis. Being a familiar to her, he would literally be tethered to her soul. All that she was would dominate his mind that he would feel like an extension to herself. And her tastes would mold his body to match her desires and his lust for her would mold hers’, their fusing essence transforming them both.
“Ohhhh yes! It’s begun!” Astera cried out, as she could feel the warm chill of change coming to her as well. “I feeeel your love for me.”
Bouncing up and down his massive cock, she watched the lumbering man below her shrinking, his steel peaks softening beneath now smoother skin. With each thud of her ass against his hips, his voice seemed to cry out in a lighter tone. His body was gaining a more distinct curvature, his back arching more forward and pushing his chest out. A few audible cracks rang out while his back changed. His hips seemed to snap wider as well.
It wasn’t long before a longer mane of golden hair began to pile onto the bed, flowing from Tharkis’ head. His face softened in its features, his flat, cleft chin turning more small and pointed, his nose as well shrinking in size. Both eyes fluttered with a more feminine elegance now, lashes longer and a more almond shape emerging. It was as if Astera was fucking the man out of Tharkis, his body far more female in appearance now, a real pretty boy at best.
As these changes occurred to him, Astera herself was cultivating the perfect plateau of womanhood, her goal as always to be the most beautiful creature alive, as any of her servants—certainly her familiar Tharkis—would view her as. His impossible opinion of her is what fueled her transformation, her thighs, chest, and ass bloating in size. Her breasts in particular swung wildly about like large fruits, growing bigger and bigger. Their collisions became more intense the larger they became, the thwacking sounds of heavy fat delightfully filling Astera’s ears. The giant teardrops of flesh felt refined in their shape—the silhouette of each bulbous tit near perfect like the curves of a circle.
Indeed, a beautiful thickness was bestowed upon her, her delicate arms showing off a more healthy shape, her legs flexing with a gorgeous balance of fat and muscle. Her tummy squelched and burped as it shifted into a tighter, fit core of soft, succulent flesh, a beautiful line running down the middle below her bountiful breasts and meeting at her pronounced naval. Her butt’s impact against the now undersized Tharkis became more ferocious and thunderous in its claps as it jiggled to new sizes, bubbling fat turning her cheeks into a massive, succulent, pear-shaped idol. It was as if Tharkis’ fading masculinity was adding to her dominating femininity.
Tharkis howled in bliss, feeling the great joy in his master’s heart channeling through him. He wanted to give it all up to her, to let it all out. This building need within him fired like electrical currents to the tip of his dick, his body ready to erupt with an intense heat. She begged for him to let it all go, so he did, his dick releasing every bit of white, passionate love it could muster. The Mistress’ thirsty body lapped it all up within her womb, energizing her magic even more. With each throbbing jettison of gunk from his cock, his precious remaining vestiges of manhood began to disappear. His body looked delicate and refined now, much like his mistress had looked before her current changes. Modestly size breasts enlarged on his tender chest, his hips pulling out more, creating a cute, girly gap between his legs. His ass flexed and rumbled to life, vigorously shaking as it grew in size and suppleness.
“Hyah, ohh! M-Mistress! My body!” Tharkis cried out like a submissive boy-toy, his voice on the borderline of man and woman.
“Mmm! Submit your soul to me…” Astera moaned victoriously, feeling the end was near. “I claim you as my familiar! I name you… Endora!”
A jolt of the most intense dark magic Tharkis had felt yet pierced his mind and planted the dark seeds of corruption within him that wiped out all of his previous identity. The tree of darkness grew quickly, spreading its branches across his brain, painting it black as coal. Mistress was so kind, so giving, to allow her the honor of being her familiar. Yes, Endora was blessed to have been chosen.
“Oh, Mistress! Mistress! Ahnn!!”
In her moment of awakening, her now feeble, shriveled cock was violently slammed inward into her body by a blast of dark magic pouring out from her master’s soaking pussy. It violently shaped and warped her insides into a more fertile form for a plaything worthy of Astera. Her master after all, would not stand for a man as her familiar. Astera arched backwards, dark flames spilling throughout the room, setting some of the walls ablaze. Endora thrashed upon the bed beneath her as her new womb formed and a fresh, needy pussy took shape between her legs, spread open wide by the ghostly serpent of dark energy ravishing her.
Her adorable new servant could only muster up gargled moans as all the drool born from the insatiable lust she was feeling pooled in her mouth. Astera had reached her glorious new form, her hair sparkling and turning a dark, royal purple as the finishing touch. There was still more to be done to her familiar however. The witch cackled maniacally as she focused all her power into finishing off Endora. All the flames from the walls pulled back towards her and cast themselves on Endora, her body bursting into dark flames.
Astera came as she felt her energy mingle with the maddening ecstasy filling her servant’s thoughts. It was a blinding pleasure that left little room for perception, like a waking coma. Her body was rattled with bliss and she spilled off of Endora’s body and onto her back, writhing in rapture. Her sex quaked and drooled as feverishly as Endora was from her mouth, a pool of cum wetting the bed beneath her. She was too wrapped up in her orgasm to visually watch her transforming familiar, but she could feel the intensity of her emotional response, which was enough to spur her climax on further.
Endora’s body tensed and pulsated, ear-deafening screams of joy echoing throughout the halls of the entire manor. It felt as if she was ascending to something beyond humanity. She very much was, claws pushing themselves out from under her fingernails, long talons digging into the bed. The same happened with her feet, sharp nails emerging from her human husk. Blood trickled from them as they emerged, but the painful process brought only more pleasure to her. She was finally becoming what her master wanted. Tuft, cat fur began to crop up at specific points on her body, covering her arms up to the biceps like arm sleeves, and covering her legs up to her thighs like stockings. Some hair also emerged between her cleavage, as well as trailing down the middle of her stomach towards her naval. It seemed a cat was Astera’s familiar of choice.
Endora’s moans soon turned to howling feline noises and loud purrs, her mind awash in new, more primal instincts. In her mind, she couldn’t live without her master. She had a growing dominant aura to her—her master’s evil nature poisoning her mind. Her slit eyes displayed a maddening hunger within them, she wanted desperately to fuck and to feast and to kill. She craved chaos and decadence now just as her master did. Ferocious canines grew within her gaping mouth as she screamed in sweet release over the feeling of her new cat ears forming from her old human ones, traveling up her head towards the top as they sifted through the furrier looking, shaggy hair her old, human mane was becoming.
Astera began to awake from her sexual stupor and was overjoyed at the sight of her cute and violent familiar finally being born. She saw the sharp, wide-eyed glare Endora was giving off and it pleased her greatly. Astera crawled above the thrashing Endora and hugged her as she continued shaking about in unimaginable pain and pleasure mixed into a beautiful stew of madness.
“My beautiful Endora…” Astera whispered with a motherly tone. “Welcome to my world.”
Those words gave Endora a mental erection. Nothing on her body could emphasize such a concept, so the pleasure all focused on an emerging tail sprouting up just above her ass. Her tailbone stretched out and began to slither out onto the bed between her cheeks and down towards her thighs. It certainly felt like a dick with how sensitive the tip of her tail was, everything it brushed against feeling like fingers softly teasing the head of a penis.
The tail was rather thick, with thin fur on it. It grew longer and longer until it was able to wrap around one of her legs. She could feel another great eruption coming, her rebirth almost complete. The touch of her master only made it more excruciating a wait. She wanted it to end already but also didn’t, both thoughts tearing back and forth in her mind. Was this madness, was this nirvana? No, this was otherworldly love!
Endora’s tail gripped her shivering leg tight as she felt the waves of pleasure overtake her and her body unleashed a flood of nectar onto the bed, some squirting up onto her master’s knee which was thrusting against her snatch. It was a climax to die for, Endora feeling like she may have well reached the border of death at some point only for her master to drag her back with her embrace. It took so much out of her that she passed out, her eyes nearly rolled into the back of her head.
Endora’s body finally settled and all the dark flames in the room were snuffed out, returning to their source Astera. The witch let go of her familiar, caressing her cheek as she stood up from the bed. She called her staff to her and it flew from the other room at the end of the hallway all the way to her grasp. Astera was just starting. She now had her familiar, one she could share her magic through, but she needed more to rebuild her empire from before.
Astera washed herself in purple flames, her staff glowing brilliantly as she did. Her garments of choice slowly began to emerge on her body. A large, traditional style Witch’s cap appeared on her head with a jagged cut opening within the top, purple light radiating from it. An elegant dark purple dress that flowed down like a cape at the bottom hugged her body and had a very revealing boob window with wavy borders colored a lighter purple. The sleeves were puffy and proper, wide, wavy ends to the sleeves looking like lotus flowers, purple petals above dark petals. A navel cutout meant to show her enticing core off to those she chose to swoon was decorated with some thorny, curving designs. There were side slits on each legside of the dress, revealing her thick hips and putting her legs full on display. Her thigh-highs had a faded purple color and the tops were adorned in similar designs to the patterns and borders of the dress around her navel. All of it came beautifully together at the feet, where a pair of witch’s heels with the traditional upward curving tips at the toes resided.
“Mmmm, much better. Now to flex my authority once more upon this unruly world.”
And so it was. Astera conquered much of the land she had owned before, spreading darkness and despair wherever she went, feasting sexually on those she captured like an insatiable, horny sadist. Her faithful familiar was a dominatrix in her own right, taking after her master in enslaving and sexually toying with her victims. She would always be submissive to her Mistress though, as would all the other servants to Astera, an army of them that was growing mightier by the day. Her shadowy kingdom kept growing in size and influence.
Astera would often speak to Endora within their private quarters, about how she lusted after an ultimate treasure. Sure, she had many wonderful treasures already, her staff and powers were one, Endora herself another, but the most captivating one?
“Why, there is no treasure greater than the very world the forlorn masses wallow and flee upon. To hold the entire world within my grasp, that would be the finest treasure of them all.”
Endora purred and embraced her Mistress, the witch’s soft laugh like a lullaby to the catgirl’s ears. She drifted off to sleep in her master’s bosom as the powerful Witch’s eyes glistened like treasure itself.


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