
--Artwork by Sciamano240--Based off the animation "Intercourse With A Vampire" by Nevarky-- Halloween night and the air was spry with the laughing and screaming children caught up in the festive spirit of the holiday ritual. Lining the neighborhood blocks were costumes of every kind, each one drawing the attention of a pair of scanning eyes above which darted from one to the next like a child indecisive on which candy to pick from the candy bowl. Though this particular pair of eyes sought not candy, nor just any old person. Chantera the vampire sought only one human in particular. The one she believed to be her destined mate. She had just been unleashed upon the world by her mother and father, both giving their blessings as they sent her away on this hallowed night to seek out a mate and start her life on her own. For a vampire, being set free from the castle nest meant coming of age. She would have to consummate her love with another vampire to truly grow into her pote...