Workplace Crush

Artwork: Sage Joh Taylor slouched in his chair, fanning his face with a loose stack of assessment forms while he wrestled with his red tie choking the collar of his white, button-up dress shirt. The High School he taught at was stingy, always choosing to cut the A/C during after-school staff hours. While admittedly it meant less programs being cut, he cursed his luck in always being scheduled during these cost-cutting periods. Thankfully, he had the company of his favorite faculty member Logan. “Dang it’s hot.” Commented Taylor, fishing for pity. “They really could cut us some slack, even for a few days.” Logan laughed as he sifted through his paperwork, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead. “Yeah well, we just have to suck it up my man. Though I do apologize. I thought moving to one of the classrooms would be better, but it isn’t much cooler than the offices.” “I’d say its hotter.” Logan sighed in agreement and rose up from his seat at a desk. “I’m going to get us some ...