Workplace Crush


Artwork: Sage Joh

Taylor slouched in his chair, fanning his face with a loose stack of assessment forms while he wrestled with his red tie choking the collar of his white, button-up dress shirt. The High School he taught at was stingy, always choosing to cut the A/C during after-school staff hours.  While admittedly it meant less programs being cut, he cursed his luck in always being scheduled during these cost-cutting periods. Thankfully, he had the company of his favorite faculty member Logan.
“Dang it’s hot.” Commented Taylor, fishing for pity. “They really could cut us some slack, even for a few days.”
Logan laughed as he sifted through his paperwork, wiping a bit of sweat from his forehead.
“Yeah well, we just have to suck it up my man. Though I do apologize. I thought moving to one of the classrooms would be better, but it isn’t much cooler than the offices.”
“I’d say its hotter.”
Logan sighed in agreement and rose up from his seat at a desk.
“I’m going to get us some more water. Keep plugging away on those forms superman.”
“You don’t need to keep praising me.”
Taylor fidgeted a bit under the desk. Logan was always so nice to him, always had been since the first day on the job. They’d formed a kind of camaraderie with each other over the years, Taylor lending him extra help whenever he could.
“No, you deserve it. You’re always going above and beyond to help me out. I can’t thank you enough. So please, let me wait on you a bit for a change.”
“Fine fine, go fetch-eth me a drink my strapping waiter.”
With a laugh Logan left the classroom and left Taylor hot and bothered. The heat wasn’t all he had to worry about, but his burgeoning feelings for Logan, which had been festering for a long time. His strapping comment was no joke, Logan was a looker—clean cut and fit, with a confident posture and stride and blue eyes that could kill hearts. It killed his own heart every time he had to gaze into those picture perfect--
“Gah, come on. This again?” Taylor grunted, his hands dipping down to his pants and feeling the growing bulge within them.
Taylor had never asked if Logan was into men, he always just assumed he wasn’t. He never tried to push it as he thought it’d probably be rude. After all they were simply workplace friends. It wasn’t like Taylor was strapped for options either, being bisexual with a lean body and pretty boy looks, hitting up clubs catering to all types on the regular. He was always told his face was his most captivating feature—dazzling, amber eyes matched with androgynous features, and a short, ear-length hairstyle that tapered at the back exposed. His skin was surprisingly smooth for a man, thanks to his regimen of cleansers and exfoliating remedies.
None of that mattered to him though. Logan was the one he had a crush on, the only one who could turn him into such a horny mess at the most inappropriate times. This time it was unshakable, as well as different from the norm. Instead of there being a pulsing warmth throbbing through his dick, the burning need was more like an itch near his balls in desperate need of being scratched.
“Damnit Logan… what are you doing to me? Complimenting me like that.” Taylor groaned, unbuttoning his jeans and sending a hand into them and into his panties.
He grumbled over the fact that he decided to wear women's underwear today, the texture making the pleasure worse. Usually it was a form of relaxation for him, the soft, comforting sensation of them against his cock far better than the usual boxers and briefs. However, anytime Logan did this to him it was a nightmare, and this time it was the worst!
As his breathing became more labored Taylor leaned forward on the desk, papers and forms flying off and scattering on the floor. He quickly began to rub deep between his balls, his sack getting in the way of whatever buried warmth was teasing him. The panties weren’t helping, a delightful static current channeling through his balls as they rubbed them in unison with his hand.
His ecstasy was growing more unruly by the second. Faster and faster he rubbed, trying to snuff it out, desperate for it to end. He let thoughts of Logan run wild in his mind, hoping that might finish things off quickly, fantasizing every which way he could of what he’d do to—no, what he’d let Logan do to him.
“Logan… uhn, Logan. Oooh! What the hell?”
Taylor slid more forward and rose slightly off the seat of the desk, shivering over a brief tugging sensation delivered to his stiff cock. Afterwards it was left twitching against his lower palm, which was gliding up and down the shaft, an unintentional stroke delivered by the intentional rubbing between his balls. He had paid very little attention to his dick in fact. It was all in his scrotum, something hot and hungry hanging off a precipice beneath, his hand trying to reach out and grab it. He could feel himself getting closer though, and the more the skin of his sack began to sink, the more his balls began to recede and roll like marbles inside of him, opening up more space for his fingers.
“Ahh! Yes! Keep going… Logan… More!”
He was lost in his fantasies, no longer in control of how loud he was being and certainly unable to restrain himself from letting out a flurry of moans. At the very least it was working, the burning pressure in his loins building, the familiar build up of an orgasm. He figured he’d get his release and quickly pull himself together before Logan returned. However, things weren’t going to play out exactly as he intended. His body was doing far more than priming itself to cum; it was shedding piles of mass throughout his squirming. It was as if his body was sweating it away, the lean, muscular cut of his frame softening under the glistening perspiration, and the mild broadness of his torso diminishing into something more graceful. He was already rather thin, but his withering state was making him look tiny by comparison.
With another peak in his fantasy came another change, the bones in his body scrunching and vibrating. He was too dazed in the moment to notice, but a few inches were being shaved off his height, his legs having to straighten more to keep himself forward on the desk. The warm, throbbing sensations of the reverse growth spurt though were enough to finally put him over, a sizeable amount of cum dousing his hand and dribbling into his panties.
“F-Fuck! It… It keeps c-coming! I’m cumming!”
Taylor was an embarrassed mess, realizing how juvenile he sounded yelling such things. But he couldn’t help it, he felt like a teen discovering the wonders of masturbation for the first time. Whatever this was he was experiencing was completely new to him, and try as he might to fend it off, he loved it. So he continued to rub and continued to cum, digging for that warmth that would certainly unlock even greater gates of pleasure.
Gripping with his free hand onto a metal desk leg, Taylor heaved forward yet again, now completely planting his upper body onto the tabletop and panting like a horny mutt. He could feel a tingling in the finger tips at his crotch, the warmth inside craving them. They wished to connect like the polarities of a magnet, their meeting an inevitability now that they were so close—nails starting to poke at the sagging skin devoid of balls. Where did his balls go he wondered, noticing how different things were beginning to feel in his lower innards. There was more of a hollowness now, especially at the sides of his hips.
Another tug to Taylor’s dick forced a squeal out of him and focused him back onto the work he was doing down below. His hand was drenched in cum, which hadn’t stopped flowing from his dick. It was starting to feel a lot more like watery lubricant falling into his palm, making the gliding of it against his dick even more enticing. His panties were soaked, and trails of the fluids were running down his jostling thighs alongside his pants. He could care less if he was caught with his pants down at this point though, there was no going back. He needed to release it all, to get rid of this damned itch!
His cum drenched fingers began to tingle even more, the liquids coating them exfoliating and lightly massaging them as they roiled across the surface. He never had thick hands, but they were still rather big. But now, his fingers were looking small and tender and the contours of his hand delicate. The demure digits found an easier time pressing inward, as if the entrance all this time had been too small for the ones before. He relished in the sensation, feeling the skin of his scrotum sink down towards the hot void. The release he yearned for was at his fingertips, barely out of reach.
“Just a bit more! Ahn, m-more! More Logan!”
In his mind he was picturing Logan’s cock in the place of his hand, pressing into his body again and again. In some warped way he was in the position of a woman, the man he pined for pounding away. With each thrust, the nails on Taylor’s hands lengthened slightly, smooth, polished tips pushing closer and closer to the warm cavern hidden just beyond the cum soaked wall of flesh. It was inhaling, sucking them in, as well as something else… his cock.
“Aaahh! Oh fuck, yes! Logan! Yesss!”
Taylor was a shell of his composed self from a few minutes prior, now a screaming, blissful slave to a fantasy that thirsted for reality. He was in tears, every imaginary thrust pushing his dick inward, bit by bit the shaft consumed by the warmth he could still not reach. Eventually it was nothing more than a shriveled nub running on empty, being rubbed by his fingers and channeling with an electric pleasure he had never felt before, one that sent joyful quakes across every centimeter of his body.
The friction from his rubbing was insane, Taylor gritting his teeth as he could feel his sharpened nails finally piercing the stubborn flesh. Finally, with a liberating wail he could feel a finger sink into the hot, comforting abyss. Another finger followed, then another, until the whole top half of his hand was feeling embraced. A massive amount of clear fluids spilled onto the chair, flowing as if a dam had broke. As he lifted himself completely off of his seat, he nearly lost his balance, eyes rolling into the back of his head as he experienced the trembling, torturous first orgasm with his new pussy.
His pants had completely fallen to the ground as he scooted out of them, and his panties had even slid down his legs as he readjusted for a better angle. He kept his hand buried deep into his snatch, trying to work out every last pleasurable itch he could within the constricting walls.
“Logan! L-Logan… Ooh! Hoh! Hoooh…”
A sound of crashing glass snapped the spent Taylor out of his stupor and he snapped his head towards the direction of the door. He was terrified by what he saw, a shocked Logan standing before him having dropped the glasses of water he fetched.
“Wait, what? Oh no! Oh no, no! Logan I! I-I!”
Taylor stumbled to his feet in a rush despite his exhaustion. His panic over what he had been caught doing gave him damn near a heart attack and he was struggling to think of how to explain, how to avoid complete shame.
“Logan please, let me explain! I-huh?” Taylor cried out, before his eyes caught onto the drastic changes in his body. “What in the... T-This can’t—! Where is my dick?”
Taylor patted all around his form, feeling the more lithe, borderline female dips of his body, but was afraid to touch the pulsating slit now residing between his legs.
As Taylor struggled to rationalize what had happened, Logan started to regain his composure. A smile even began to curl upon his face as he slowly approached his frightened co-worker. Placing a hand onto his shoulder, Logan got his firm attention.
“Taylor I… I’m so happy you feel the same way.”
Taylor paused for a moment, noticing the longing in Logan’s eyes.
“Wha, what?”
Logan moved his hand to softly grab Taylor’s chin and nudge it upwards, forcing their eyes to meet more directly.
An off-put Taylor pushed his hand away and backed up a few steps.
“Man what is wrong with you?” he yelled. “Fuck, look what happened to me? What is going on Logan?”
He was desperate for answers, hoping maybe Logan—as weird as he was acting—might know. Instead, he was left even more confused by what followed.
“Why didn’t you tell me Taylor? God, I’m so dumb.”
“Logan… are you alright?”
“I should have told you before. I love you. I’ve loved you for a while now.”
“Woah! Wait. Really?”
This was moving so fast and Taylor was at a loss for words. It was so shocking of a confession that he nearly forgot his situation. He turned back to the more pressing matters.
“Um, wow… No. No! Logan, look, we need to figure out what happened to me!”
Logan began to approach Taylor once more and said, “You were the most beautiful women I ever laid eyes on, I mean it. I knew on our first day working together that you were the only girl I wanted.”
“What are you talking about? I’m a man.”
Taylor was gently, but firmly grabbed on the arm, Logan leaning in bearing a tender expression.
“Now I know… you felt the same.”
Before Taylor could muster a response his mouth was locked into a kiss. It was something he’d fantasized about, yet that hadn’t prepared him for how intense of an experience it was. His tongue was being wrestled away from his own control and the sides of his mouth suctioned into a deadlock of lips. He loved the forcefulness of it, quickly melting into the moment, body going limp. He was about to collapse, but his crush’s hands kindly kept him from stumbling, one holding him by the wrist and the other gently wrapping around his backside.
The tenderness of the moment was interrupted though by a sudden throbbing all across Taylor’s face. His already dainty features began to scrunch into even more refined shapes. His nose became shorter, with a scooped bridge, and the nasal tip lifted under a pleasing pressure. His brows trembled as they lost mass, the hair there thinning into finer strips. Right below he could feel the lashes on his fluttering eyes feathering and lengthening. His chin was one of the more drastic changes, sharpening down into a beautiful pointed visage, mass chiseling off his cheeks until the cute, plump slopes that remained flowed perfectly into his now smaller jawline.
He tried with all his might, but Taylor couldn’t escape through strength alone, so he resorted to kneeing Logan in the gut, which finally loosened his grip. He was in such a daze from the prior makeout that he had little sense of direction once he broke free. Instead of stumbling towards an exit he found himself at the windows of the classroom, pressing both hands against the glass to keep himself upright as he tried catching his breath, saliva wetting his now plush lips.
“You’re so beautiful.” was all Logan could say as he shook off the attack and trotted over to his panting friend. He firmly pressed his hands against the backs of Taylor’s and leaned his body into them. Taylor’s forehead pressed softly against the window and he could feel his co-worker’s erect dick glide against his lower back. This wasn’t good.
“Ah, I see you couldn’t help but think back too.” Logan said, confusing Taylor as his eyes caught the front courtyard and gate of the school through the window. “Down there is where we first met. It feels so long ago.”
The worrying sound of a belt unbuckling and pants falling to the ground caught Taylor’s ears as he tried to turn around.
“Logan please, you have to stop—ahh!”
Taylor’s upper body was shoved into submission against the glass, his butt sticking out as his friend took up a position behind him.
“Even back then I was infatuated with you. I wondered how could a woman be so immediately stunning. I’d seen many beautiful girls in my life, but you were special, so… out of my league I… I’m so happy you feel the same.”
“This is crazy man! I’m not a woman! You have to—hoooh! Oooo fuck!”
It was like a battering ram of bliss, the commanding insertion of Logan’s cock into his tight, foreign slit briefly interrupting all thought. Though his knees felt like they might buckle they held up, helped along by his co-worker holding him by the hips as they started thrusting in and out. His words were subdued by the confusing pleasure, his body rocking under the guidance of the other inside him, hands and arms patting at the window as he did his best to keep himself from collapsing.
Taylor quickly realized he wasn’t fighting back as much as he expected, no uncomfortable tensing nor words of protest. His snatch was certainly enjoying it, spilling copious amounts of fluids onto his thighs and clenching tighter to the belligerent rod the longer it remained inside. He had certainly pined for Logan, but not like this, not as a woman. Right, there was no way he wanted this right? Whatever had done this to him, who or what, did it know something he didn’t or was this some sort of strange karmic reaction. No matter which way he wracked his brain he knew this wasn’t right and yet…
“L-Logan… uhn, oh god! You’re so, oooh! Why? Why can’t I—?
Taylor’s heart was racing, the thumping in his chest spurning on a growing pressure beneath his pectorals that was narrowing in on his nipples. It was as if all the love he held towards Logan wished to burst.
“Please Taylor, be with me. Be my woman.” Logan begged through tempered, desperate moans.
The thumping in Taylor’s chest increased, the pressure expanding and pushing up against the surface. A similar pressure began building in his hips, thighs, and ass as well. His body felt ready to buckle under the weight of a vast ocean of ecstasy and acceptance.
“N-N-No I, I can’t! I, L-Logan please… I don’t know what I—AAAHN!”
Taylor squeaked, his voice cracking into a higher, feminine pitch that betrayed him, pulling him further down into the feminine depths flooding his mind. His body wanted it bad, lumps inflating on his chest and tenting his shirt, hips creaking at the sides, the fat in both thighs shivering in anticipation over what it longed for him to say.
Logan caught his co-worker from sliding to the ground. She was clearly enjoying this as much as he was, and wanted to make sure she was as comfortable as possible. It seemed she was struggling to breathe a bit so he loosened her tie, letting it slip in-between his burgeoning chest mounds. Heh, he always enjoyed that about her, a woman bold enough to dress the part of a man. It was a sign of her exemplary character in his eyes, a risk taker who couldn’t care less what anyone thought of them.
“God I love you. I love you so much.”
Logan’s words cut straight to Taylor’s heart, his words making it harder and harder to deny what his body was telling him.
“Oh fuck! Ooooh Logan! Logan! Oh god I can’t—!”
Taylor was about to lose it, the lumps in his chest ripening into a pair of hefty tits eating away at the space of his button up shirt, a few of the lower buttons popping loose. Their support as they pressed against the window helped cushion the intense rocking of his body. Every inch of him was on fire, wanting more, ready to bloom! His hips and ass were jiggling, fat rippling across the skin in between moments of clenching muscle. He was close and he couldn’t deny it anymore. Taylor loved Logan unconditionally and yearned to be his woman.
“Y-YEEEES! I Love you! A-Aaaaah~! I’m yours!” She declared, tongue wet and hanging upon every word and moan, drool running freely from her open maw. She was awash in the moment, hands smudging the window as she held on for dear joy.
The woman was released, and her body gave a much awaited sigh of relief through a barrage of expanding mass. Her hips snapped wide in a violent instant that broadened her stance, sloping her spine into a finer curvature and kicking out her butt. The ass immediately exploded in size along with her thighs, fat exhaling into feminine shapes of perfection—swollen testaments to her love. Her hips then wasted no time sucking up excess mass from her stomach to become a meatier grip to Logan’s hands, leaving behind a tight tummy undulating with each crash into her. All that was left was spilling into her chest, her tits kicking like airbags against the window, each expansion bursting another button until there were no more to break. The shirt opened wide, her swollen nipples pressing against the cool glass wet with her sweat. Still the breasts grew, not satisfied until they created large, foggy impressions against the pane canvas.
Taylor could feel the elation of Logan simply through their bodily response. He fucked more furious now and really leaned into her, crushing her against the glass, turning her into an erotic portrait for any lucky passerby to glimpse. She was like a needy bitch in heat, her panting making it hard to breath. As if to aid her, Logan tenderly forced a few fingers into her mouth, allowing her something to suckle on in the building throes towards her orgasm. She couldn’t wait for that release to finally come, for their love to finally be cemented. It was meant to be, ever since that day. It was destiny!
She moaned so hard that she spat out her love’s fingers, her cries breaching the classroom door and filling the hallways of the school as fast as Logan’s cum was filling her. Such an inappropriate place to copulate, but one that felt fitting as their love felt young and fiery.
Taylor was the first to speak after a minute of agonizing recuperation from their joint climax.
“Yes... I did want you.”
Logan turned her head by the chin and looked her in the eyes, wanting to hear it in full. She continued.
“Even back then. The first time we met, I knew you were the one I wanted. Heh, the body doesn’t lie.”
Logan could do nothing more than whisper her name, simply freefalling into another intimate moment as the two lovers kissed passionately yet again, hands fiddling with each others hair. Taylor found herself pressed against the window again, bubble butt on full display and her chest wedged between her man. She didn’t care though. Maybe it was her teacher’s mentality becoming twisted but she figured let the world see and let it learn from the two of them. This was no mere workplace crush, but a lesson in true love.


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