The Spirit Inside

Artwork - Joecanvas The lively sounds of a street market in Brazil filled the ears of a young man wandering from stand to stand. James was not native to these lands, but had come to think of them as home all the same after an extended stay within the country, and this city in particular. He had learned the basics of the language he’d need for the trip, but here there were enough English speakers for him to get by relatively well. It was a dream vacation for him, and one that at this point he hoped didn’t have to end. Squinting his brown eyes, he looked up at the sun-drenched sky and smiled, washing his creamy skin in the amber light. He felt a gentle gust of wind travel through the stalls and kick up his low-cut brown hair and he scanned the pretty sights still before him as he continued his walk. He only had 2 days remaining on his trip, but he was already in throes of homesickness, but for this place. He had acclimated so well, quickly making friends, finding his ro...