The Spirit Inside


Artwork - Joecanvas

The lively sounds of a street market in Brazil filled the ears of a young man wandering from stand to stand. James was not native to these lands, but had come to think of them as home all the same after an extended stay within the country, and this city in particular. He had learned the basics of the language he’d need for the trip, but here there were enough English speakers for him to get by relatively well. It was a dream vacation for him, and one that at this point he hoped didn’t have to end.

Squinting his brown eyes, he looked up at the sun-drenched sky and smiled, washing his creamy skin in the amber light. He felt a gentle gust of wind travel through the stalls and kick up his low-cut brown hair and he scanned the pretty sights still before him as he continued his walk. He only had 2 days remaining on his trip, but he was already in throes of homesickness, but for this place. He had acclimated so well, quickly making friends, finding his routine within the daily hustle and bustle of the city, and took in the fun local events. It was crazy he thought, but all of him down to his bones felt at peace here.

James sighed, “I wish I could stay.”

Immediately after muttering to himself, he was met with a response from a nearby man in a finely tailored suit jacket.

“You look lost boy. Perhaps I could be of some help.”

James turned his head to meet him, a bit caught off guard. It was an older gentleman, with a well-trimmed beard and short, full heads of hair.

He had the tone of a TV detective—looked the part too. Every word he had sent his way carried the weight of wisdom to it, drawing the young man to him like a magnet. He wanted to hear what this seasoned individual had to say, though he was at a loss for words given his nerves. As comfortable as James had felt here, he wasn’t a particularly outgoing and lacked confidence.

As he approached, the older man responded with a well-read analysis of him.

“You said you wished you could stay. Clearly you are not from around here. You’ve come to love the place and don’t wish to go home to wherever home is correct?”

James replied, “U-um… Yes?” He was completely caught off guard.

“Well, consider it your lucky day. You’ve got something special in you, and if you truly wish to stay here, I have a proposition that can make that a reality. And I can make use of that special something of yours.”

The noise of everything but the well-dressed man’s voice seemed to muffle in James’s ears as if they were stuffed with cotton. It was like his body was forcing the gentleman’s words upon him, telling him that he needed to listen.

The young man tried stuttering out a response but couldn’t and instead nodded his head.

“Good. Come with me. I’ll make you an offer.”

James was led by the man away from the main hub of the market in silence. It didn’t take long though until they were in the shade of an alley, where the air was more hushed. Spooked, yet hopeful and with goosebumps riddling his skin, he awaited the promising offer. Eyes all business, the older man delivered it.

“Now you can take what I say next as either truth or the ramblings of a scam artist, but I’ll make things as brief as I can. There exist guardian spirits inside all of us separate from our own, some more potent than others. And from what I can gleam, yours seems powerful, and I wish to recruit you and it.”

James quickly turned a tad queasy. It did seem like the words of someone who had lost it, and being alone with him in this dark alley certainly didn’t quell any fears that were building. Still, the man’s tone came across as gentle in its intent, despite how clinical his words were. So, against his better judgement, he nodded and continued to listen.

“I am part of a community handing out services to people who show great potential, such as yourself. You can think of us as a special forces unit that uses people with powerful guardian spirits in espionage and a collection of other work. Do not worry; if you join us, you will be quickly and thoroughly trained for the job. As well, I can make sure you are stationed here in this country you seem to have grown quite fond of.”

No sooner than the man finished speaking did he reach out for a handshake to seal the deal. There was so much racing through James’ mind. How could he possibly make a life-changing decision so quickly?

“I apologize,” the man said, interrupting James’ spiraling thoughts. “But this is a decision that must be made quickly, as I cannot allow just anyone into the fold. I must know you are sure about this down to the very fiber of your being.”

The young, nervous man stared down at the outstretched hand before him, weighing his options as quickly as possible. He’d never felt happier in his life than here. He thought he’d do anything to stay. Yet, what this man was offering seemed shady as hell. But did he have any other options? What to do, what to do, what to do!

The older man’s hand began to pull away.

“I-I’ll do it!” James yelled, sounding nearly out of breath. He clenched the man’s hand tight, his entire body shaking.

The old gentleman smiled and said, “I can tell that took a lot of courage. You show great promise indeed.”

A few more words were exchanged, and James was handed a car with an address attached and told to go there the next day and to dress nice. He followed his orders, heading to it and being met by a car, which took him blindfolded to another destination. Once there he walked, still blindfolded, through what sounded to be a bustling facility. By the time he was allowed to see again, he found himself in what looked like a doctor’s office.

What came next was James being led through a series of medical rooms with very strange equipment that felt familiar yet more advanced than anything he’d seen before in a health clinic. They performed several exams on his body, some basic and some more confusing. The process as a whole took around 2 hours. Some of the staff explained it as getting familiar with his body’s aptitude and the spirit that resided inside of him. He was in the dark either way, merely along for the ride and hoping he hadn’t made a mistake.

After all that was done, he was then seated in what felt like an interrogation room, with the man who had recruited him sitting across from him.

“You look… eccentric.” The man said, scanning over James’ hodgpdoge outfit that constituted dressing up. James was sporting a loosely worn white button-up shirt with bright green pulled up sleeves, baggy olive green dress pants with suspenders and belts and stylish white sandal boots with a green cross design on the face of them. The dress pants were a woman’s pair, but he always liked the looser way they felt on his hips.

James fidgeted with an awkward smile and replied, “W-Well I… I didn’t have much to work with and, w-well, I thought suspenders fit the detective vibe more.”

The old man looked down at his own suspenders and gave a shrug. He then relaxed himself in his seat and introduced himself.

“My name is Lucas, and I am your overseer for today’s recruitment and awakening process. You have passed all the medical exams, and we have a better understanding of how to move forward with you. However, I have a handful of questions I wish to ask you before we move to the final step, to make certain that the resonance between your guardian spirit and yourself is worth amplifying.”

“Um… okay?”

“Answer quickly, with the first thing that pops into your head… What is your favorite food?”


“Name several things you hate the smell of.”

“U-Uh, cigarettes and alcohol.”

“What is your favorite hobby?”


“Would you prefer to meet a challenge head on or work around it?”

“I-I mean I… I guess I’d like it if I could rush to meet something. But I’m—”

“What is your favorite color?”

“Oh, uh! Green.”

“And finally, what is something you pride yourself in?”

James fumbled a bit, never having thought too highly of himself. He then stared down at his interesting business attire and awkwardly replied, “My… unique sense of professionalism?”

Lucas rose from his seat, the questions over, and beckoned James to the door. It was all happening so fast that he had no time to really process the answers he gave before stepping into the next room and being met with the sight of a huge, sterile white room with a glass chamber in the middle of it and monitors surrounding the space. It looked like some isolation chamber to him, like something out of a sci-fi film.

Lucas patted James on the back and told him it was time to get inside. A glass panel opened from the wall of the chamber and a small trickle of steam spilled out from inside. He could feel a faint gust of warm air releasing from the space, implying it must have been temperature-controlled.

“Wh-What is it?” James asked.

“It is where we will awaken your guardian spirit and where everything will change for you. This is what you wanted, remember?”

James nodded with only half certainty, slowly making his way into the chamber and having the door sealed behind him. He felt like a lab rat, with all eyes on him through the see-through glass. The air was definitely warm, not quite like a sauna, but higher than a desirable room temperature. He saw people frantically plugging away at their panels outside the chamber and Lucas looking on attentively. Then he heard a strange humming sound. Looking down, he saw it was coming from near his feet.

James’ eyes went wide as he saw a giant sigil glowing on the hard steel floor beneath him. It gave him the impression of a magic symbol for witchcraft or alchemy. This symbol was less foreign looking to him despite still being strange. It was what appeared to be the recycling symbol around a heart.

“Commence the counterflow. Unbinding the spirit from the subject!” A lady announced outside the glass.

The glow from the sigil grew more bright, and it felt as if its rays were penetrating James’ skin like a tanning bed. He was growing very hot and felt disheveled and off balance. Something was churning inside of him… and it felt alive!

“What is—guhn…. happeniiingh!?”

James stumbled back and forth, the growing pressure inside himself wriggling and kicking against his outer shell like if it were desperately trying to escape a cocoon. Eventually it seemed to fixate on his backside, battering into it again and again as James bent over and screamed. It wasn’t as painful as it was unsettling. He wasn’t sure anymore if he wanted this.

Thankfully, the ordeal didn’t last long, and he felt an honestly pleasant release within his body after one more giant smack into his backside. He felt a cool but comforting shiver travel down his spine as he laid panted on his hands and knees. The cold chill was coming from behind him and surprisingly, he didn’t feel uncomfortably cold from its presence—not a single goosebump on his skin or hair standing up. Turning around however, he was met with its source and goosebumps of a whole different variety soon followed.

“Wh-What the hell is that!?” James yelled, staring at the face of a giant green wolf with the astral, serpentine body of a ghost. And it was flowing straight out of his back, connected by a tendril.

“That would be your guardian spirit.” Lucas answered. “Now just relax. We are going to agitate it in a very particular way, where it will want to bind to you, its host. Once it does, you'll be able to call on its power whenever you desire.”

“Y-Yeah? Is it… going to hurt?”

“I must apologize to you James.”

James’ heart sank. What did he just say!? What does that mean!?

“I haven’t been completely forthright with you. This will be more than a simple binding, and I want to prepare you for what comes next, as you are a nervous one. This spirit of yours, once it grows attuned to it  in a moment, will likely become more… intimate with you. It is all necessary, I assure you, and while you may be scared, if your soul is truly as attuned to that thing as we believe, it will pull something greater out of you my boy. You will change, body and soul, into your ideal… mold, lets say.”

James’s eyes dilated, and he looked like a deer in headlights.

“No, n-n-nooo! G-Get me out of here! Please!”

Lucas merely shook his head and ordered the process to be continued. The sigil on the ground shifted color from red to green, and the spirit wolf behind James began to stir, its form rippling like a shock wave. The young man felt it in his body as well, a rippling heat coursing through him. What was puzzling though was that it felt like a conjoined experience, as if what he was feeling was being felt by another. A twinge within his brain seemed to plant the idea that what he could be feeling was—


James looked back at the wolf behind him, its eyes giving him a perplexed look as well. Both were confused, but the wolf seemed to grow more uppity by the moment. Shared ripple after shared ripple traveled through the two of them, and James grew more bewildered while the Wolf grew more excitable. James didn’t want to admit it, but it was starting to feel good, and he could gather through the gradually strengthening wavelength between him and the wolf, that the wolf was really enjoying it as well.


The wolf howled, and James’ dick began to grow erect like a tuning fork, resonating to the smack of its reverberations. He was scared stiff, feeling the emotional intent of the wolf behind him as it slowly took on a more physical, full-body shape. Padded feet with giant claws tapped down to his sides and behind him and took a predatory position. The wolf’s lower body took shape alongside a wagging tail. And though he couldn’t see it, it was evident by the heated breath rustling his hair and perverse thoughts knocking at the recesses of his mind that there was something else lingering behind him.

This wolf wanted to mate with him.

“What the fuck!? N-Noo! This is wrong! This so-sooo wrAAH!”

His butt cheeks clenched as he felt the giant, canine dick of the dog he had sensed behind him phase through his pants and force itself into his asshole. He screamed in agony, his virgin hole making for a tight fit. Alongside that pain though came an excruciating shared pleasure between he and the wolf. No matter how frightening the situation, it was like his body channeled the wolf’s joy in what it was doing. This was so messed up, he didn’t want any of it!


James’ body slid on the floor with each thrust from the wolf as it tried to fit its massive cock inside of him. It took several excruciating heaves, but it finally made it, the knot of the wolf’s sheath stretching the man’s hole wider than he thought possible, before nestling itself within him. Now there was no struggle that would release him. He was at the wolf’s mercy.

He knew what was coming next but couldn’t bear to think of it as real. The first few motions felt like a bad dream, until his body began to settle within a rhythm, his cock twitching in an excitement he didn’t share. Protests turned to bewildered groans and soon whimpering moans as he bumped and slid on the sterile, reflective floor of his prison, looking at the lingering image of the wolf above him pumping forward again and again.

James heard random chatter from outside the walls, the team of workers prattling on about stuff no doubt related to making sure whatever process was happening to him continued smoothly. It was hard to make sense of any of it, his mind fixated on the horrors mounted on top of him. Every buck of his body he felt a buildup within his dick, a release coming that he wanted no part in. He felt like if he were to cum it would be like throwing himself off a ledge into an abyss for which there was no coming back. The weird link he held with the wolf, however, seemed to encourage him, assure him that it would be good to give in. There was no way though, that any of this could be good for him.

Gritting his teeth, James began to fight back, grabbing hold of the wolf’s legs for leverage and pushing up against it. The struggle was short-lived however, the thrusts of the beast becoming more fierce, spurred on by the fight shown in him. He remained clutching to the legs tight, falling into a heap again as his ass was smacked into submission once more. James blubbered and awkwardly moaned, his senses going crazy from the foreign stimulation to his hole. The head of the wolf dick was grinding through his raw canal and colliding against his prostate, making every moment a confusing mix of pain and pleasure. His mind felt hot and hazy, and his body was hot and wet from sweat.

The longer things went on, he felt lighter, as if much of his body were melting away in a sauna. Looking around, he noticed the glass panes of his cage were fogging up. So it wasn’t just his imagination, and yet he felt so much slimmer now... It was hard for him to notice in the moment, but he had indeed shrunk, his body thinning and scrunching into a more androgynous figure. A cacophony of cracks and pops reverberated around the glass room like the tick-tick of a clock counting down to his demise. That demise, he felt, would come with the first release from his now bloated cock—the balls behind it dangerously backed up.

He couldn’t stop it… couldn’t deny that it was feeling good. His body wanted to… it wanted to…! He was going to… GOING TO—!!


Thick spurt after thick spurt created a shameful puddle of muck on the floor beneath James. A conflicted smile crossed his face, the relief from the dams breaking feeling unbearably good. I’m so pathetic, he thought, to let this happen and to give in like this. He was bending over backwards for this dog’s own pleasure. Yet at the same time… he felt a pull on his own heartstrings. He didn’t… actually want this did he?


James words did not match a shred of his body’s actions anymore, his dick cumming profusely every few thrusts from the wolf, his mouth agape in awkward bliss. His eyes were still frightened though, looking down at his trembling hands as they were trimmed into softer digits with dainty nails. More strange was the splotch of tan traveling up from the fingertips. It didn’t take long for him to notice, but its spreading seemed to sync up with his sputtering dick. With each spurt of cum, the tan spread like a wet stain on clothing. It was as if he were cumming out his own complexion.

Suddenly, the words BEAUTIFUL rang out like a chorus within James’ head. His psyche trembled. Through his link, he could tell it was coming from the wolf’s own comments on his changing body, but also from another place… somewhere deep within himself. This deeper feeling admittedly compelled him—a sense of confidence and pride he had never felt bubbling to the surface. But that wasn’t…

He screamed, unwilling to accept what was coming forth, as his dick began to fire off more like a hose when it came. James’ body was riddled with goosebumps, shivering in delight, in full agreement with this deeper self that preferred what was happening to him. Slowly but surely, the cream of his body was replaced by sweet caramel, his cock vomiting out the old him in disgust.

“NOOOOooo this isn’t m-meyAAAH! This i-isn’t… meee…”

James repeated the phrase, first with fear, then with uncertainty, and eventually with acceptance. It began to sound prideful the way he moaned it, more stoic and controlled. He was calming down, feeling comfortable with what was happening to him. His brain was still a jumbled mess of why and how, but he felt pride over the changes coming to him, something he had never felt within his old skin.

The arousal increased alongside his acceptance, but his slowly steeling demeanor wouldn’t show it. His body was riddled by a warm passion, but he tensed his body and panted softer and in rhythm with the wolf, letting their energies casually mix. He found himself able to tense much harder now, with the wolf’s strength being shared with him, causing his muscles to flex and expand. They weren’t swelling so much as toning themselves to his lithe form, burying great power beneath the beauty.

What did swell, though, was the fat within his limbs and elsewhere. Mounds started to rise from his chest, rubbing against and forming tents against his shirt, nipples perking in excitement. His thighs and ass too inflated like balloons of meat, coalescing with the burgeoning muscle around them to create thick, enticing thighs and cheeks pressing firmer against his pants. Thanks to these latest developments, James’ technically had the strength to fight back now, should he have chosen to. But instead, he continued to take it in the ass, merely using his muscles to brace his body for a pounding that grew harsher by the second. The developing joy towards what was happening to him only fueled the wolf’s own arousal.

“Hoooh f-fuck~… Something is—”

He still couldn’t believe how much he was getting into it, but how could he question such a feeling when it felt this good? Every spear of the wolf’s dick sent a piercing heat deeper into his body, most potently behind his balls. The warmth gathered and grew there, with an emptiness growing alongside it. It’s size felt directly linked to James’ shifting desires, his cock feeling less and less meaningful towards getting him off, his body drunk on the power of the wolf as well as the power building within him. With this power… and this canine companion… he could achieve his dreams!

“Fuhuuk! Pl-Pleaaaseee… I need it!” James groaned through his gritting teeth. His expression looked sternly focused, despite his eyes nearly rolling into his head. His dick was limp now, balls completely spent as they lay flattened against the skin of his nether regions.

“I need this…”

The empty cavern inside him was expanding, his hips flaring out to make more space for it with several loud cracks.

“FUCKING HELL! Ghn… I neeeed…”

All the pride, all the glory he was dreaming of right now, it was all too much. His old self seemed so distant in his mind now. But why? Was this truly what he wanted? This body? This power? This… passion? How long had this all been buried within?

GUH...! That’s it. I n-need… neeed…”

James’ male genitals, now dribbling clear fluids, were standing upon a precipice. His balls had already sunken into the abyss, and he could feel them jostling somewhere else inside him, reshaping into something new that began pumping even more confusing sensations throughout him. The ties to his masculinity he could feel were fading, as if they hardly mattered anymore. A few tugs at his dick and he knew it was time. Time to let go; time to embrace his soul! He was a tough woman, good at her job! She was born for this and dreamt of it! All she needed was to let her trusty companion, her manifestation of her soul, finish it! She was a tough bitch who needed her bitch of a dog—!


James yelled it out with full conviction, her steely nature crumbling as she let the pent-up pleasure wash over her like a crashing wave. Her dog pounded away viciously, planting her firmer on the ground as she buckled. Her dick disappeared with a wet slurp, copious amounts of fresh, feminine fluids spilling onto the floor beneath. Hearing its master’s plea, the dog quickly pulled out, and aligned his throbbing cock against James’ salivating sex. The old James was gone, and his master Gio had arrived, and she needed him inside her.


Gio called out the wolf’s name in bliss as he reached deep inside her. Their powers were now joined in an even more intimate way, each thrust from him planting the seeds of their connection deeper. She felt another change coming, surely the final one, as she felt the dog’s physical form turning corporeal once more and melding with her, starting at her limbs.

As the ghostly limbs fused with her, she felt her hips snap wider and her thighs swell even more. The melding passed the cock pounding away inside her and instead moved to the torso, the dog’s cold, humping form slowly nestling itself within her ribcage. This brought an explosion of extra mass onto her chest, her button shirt popping open. Her large tits swayed to the motions of her body as they grew, finally halting in their growth once they squashed against the ground.


The dog spirit Rei howled out in unison with his master’s cries, finishing inside of her with a thick hosing of astral cum. Gio’s body quickly gobbled it up, converting the gift into more strength buried beneath her beautiful, supple form.

Reeling on the ground in the aftermath, her own orgasm crested as all that remained of the wolf outside of her was the head. Starting at the muzzle, it pierced into the back of her skull and shoved itself within her in an agonizing fashion. Every step of the way brought her bliss, her face contorting not only from the pleasure but also from the change in structure befalling them. The cries of a woman began to spill out, and her face began to escape alongside it. Stern, fierce eyes with long, beautiful lashes, large, puffy lips, and short, moppy, layered red hair that parted to reveal her smooth forehead. Soon enough, Gio was lying in a heap on the floor.

The man named James’ dreams had arrived, personified in the woman that had emerged, now gathering her composure as the walls around her were raised. The staff that had helped pull her out of James all celebrated a job well done. Gio reacted little to their applause, looking all business as she rose to her feet to face the man who had recruited her. Lucas looked at her like a proud father.

“How are you feeling agent… Gio was it?”

“Yes sir.” she replied.

Taking a moment to focus her new powers, she felt the wolf Rei still lingering within her and called him out, his form hovering from out of her body like a ghost. She moved her arms a bit, and Rei moved in accordance with the commands she pictured in her head. They were truly linked now.

“You are a fast learner. That’s good to see.” Lucas commented.

“What can I say, sir? I’m itching to get to work.”

The man guided the newly born agent out of the facility, already informing her of an upcoming mission they had planned for her. Gio stared ahead, looking cold and calculative. However, deep inside, she couldn’t be more giddy. She finally felt free, at one with her spirit, and looked forward to the life ahead of her.


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