A Dominating Cosplay


Dappled light spotted the racks of clothes, both old and new, laid out before Ann. She never expected herself to end up in such a ramshackle, dusty antique store, but her search had now led her to places she wouldn't have even considered in her pursuit of her next big cosplay (costume play). The problem was that she had long since donned the looks of all the anime, videogame, and various media character’s she’d cared the most about, and nowadays was strictly searching for characters with outfits she deemed sexually appealing.

As she perused the clothing all around her, there were certainly a lot of materials to work with, but she merely scoffed at them. She’d gotten lazier over time, no longer wanting to invest the time in creating the outfits herself. Truth be told, she never got much praise for her efforts in that regard, despite the hours she toiled away. She worried she didn’t have the looks for striking it big in the cosplay community, but no matter how plain she felt she appeared, it felt demoralizing to be ignored for her hard work. So here she was, chasing down looks that would make her look hot, chasing a high she had yet to experience.

“Need any help dear?”

A sultry voice echoed through the pantheon chambers of the old building, pursued by the clacking of heels and jangling of bracelets. Ann turned around and was met with the sight of a gorgeous woman dressed in a classy gothic gown with rose-patterned sleeves.

“Um, are you…?” Ann began to ask, before falling into a daze as she soaked in the sight of the woman. She possessed captivating, deep purple eyes that felt like they were burrowing into her, their subtle movements plucking at her every thought. She wore an abundance of bracelets that jangled every time she moved, hypnotic in their movements—just like her shapely, swaying figure. Her long, thick blonde hair was puffed out considerably and fell all the way down her back to where it was tightly tied down right above her bottom.

“I… um… Are you the owner?”

“Why yes I am. You seem lost for words and of thought~. My name is Anis. Is there something I can help you search for?”

Ann had never felt such an alluring pull from a woman before, but this one had her questioning all sorts of things about her sexuality. But that could come later. For now she wanted to get things over with and free herself from this awkward situation. So she got down to business.

“I’m… looking for an outfit! Something visually appealing if you catch my drift. I’m a cosplayer, if you know what that is.”

Anis seductively stepped to the side of Ann, her hefty chest bouncing gracefully with her stride as she made her way to the end of the clothing racks.

“I do. And wouldn’t you know it, I have a plethora of eye-catching character costumes in stock.”

The woman began to sift through a few of the outfits hung up, then asked for Ann’s name.

“I’m Ann.” she replied.

“Ann? Well now, what a coincidence.”

Anis reached deep between a pair of coats, and Ann swore she saw a flash of red light cast out from between them. Seconds later, the bewitching woman pulled out a red, leather bodysuit. The woman sent a borderline devilish smile Ann’s way.

“Call it fate, but I’d say this outfit looks just your size. And it belongs to a character named Ann from the videogame Persona 5. If you know what that is…”

Ann couldn’t help but feel like she was being toyed with, perhaps even mocked, but in what way she couldn’t ascertain.

“Um, no. No clue. Videogames are sort of my blind spot.”

Ann then took a moment to thoroughly look at the outfit that Anis began to carefully dangle in front of her. Yeah, it was all leather alright, and a catsuit to boot. It also had a cleavage cutout and zippers and came with pink gloves, dark red thigh-high boots, and a clip-on tail on the back. Yeah, it was sexy alright.

“Wow! That’s actually exactly what I’m looking for!”

Ann’s eyes lit up and all the strange nerves she had felt around Anis lifted from her. The more she stared at it the more right it felt, perfectly able to imagine herself styling in such an outfit. Her excitement eventually took her over, and she ripped the outfit from the woman’s grasp like a kid yanking a gift out from under the tree at Christmas.

“How much does it cost!?” Ann yelled.

“Oh, it’s free.”

Ann’s jaw nearly dropped.

“You can’t be serious?”

Anis struck a confident pose, tsking at the girl.

“My dear, I see someone before me burying their deepest desires, and are too foolish to confront them. I believe this is just the thing you need to confront that hidden side of you.”

Ann was speechless and unable to react, but she felt a twinge throughout her body. It was as if she knew what the woman said was true.

“My vast collection of antiques, clothing, all of it! It’s all for the sake of helping people like you~. Now go on… It’s yours sweetie.”

A gust of wind traveled upon her last word and passed straight through Ann. Things were getting spooky again, so she decided to not waste any time and accept the woman’s offer. She gave an affirming nod and quickly made her way out the door, not daring to look back at the shop owner.


Once home, Ann hurried to her room and tossed the outfit onto the bed and began to separate the various parts. What initially seemed like a bodysuit, boots and gloves, also came with a lengthy fake whip of all things.

Just who is this character, she wondered. She quickly went to her computer to look up an image, and was surprised to see some similarities in both their blonde hair color and blue eyes. Coupled with them sharing the same name, it almost felt like fate.

Gazing back down at the whip, Ann felt a stir in her nethers. She wasn’t the most outgoing person, and cosplay she hoped would help her express herself. She hadn't really come out of her shell much since taking it up though, still keeping sides to herself hidden. One of those sides was to be looked upon as confident and in control. She wanted to have a stronger presence, and really grab hold of all she desired. She was tired of being reserved and complacent in her life. Looking at this whip and seductive bodysuit with the clip on cat tail, it was as if it was calling to her, begging her ideal self to finally awaken from its slumber.

She pumped herself up for a few brief moments, then undressed, ready to break the new outfit in. Even with her unremarkable, as she would describe, she figured an outfit like this would be more than enough to draw out the best side of her. She’d catch all sorts of eyes with this! Carefully she unzipped the many zippers on the outfit and laid it flat onto the bed.

“There are so many zippers. Is this really necessary? Though… I guess it adds an extra allure to the BDSM look of it.”

Ann gulped at that last comment. This was really happening wasn’t it? She was gonna wear an outfit like this?

She gently slid both her bare legs into the bodysuit, finding it surprisingly pleasant the feeling of the latex against her skin. It was her first time feeling such a texture enveloping her body like this, and already she was hooked. Next went her arms and while she pulled up she realized she was butt naked and probably should have worn some undergarments so as to not irritate her skin.

“Well, I won’t be wearing it for too long. Should be fine.”

She continued, feeling warmth build in her nethers as they snuggled up to the latex. Her bottom as well felt like an androgynous zone, wiggling playfully until it became fully sealed within the suit. Wasting no further time, she zipped up each individual zipper, starting at the ones at the sides, then the two in the front that helped seal in her chest. The zippers in the front nearly lined up with her nipples, tickling the fringes of them as they passed.

“Well that was, ahem, surprisingly exciting.” She said, doing her best to strike a confident pose while staring down at the outfit boob-window at her small breasts. She didn’t fill it out as much as she’d had hoped, but she still thought it looked good on her, better than any outfit she had tried in the past. This certainly beat spending all the time making the outfits herself, only to be left disappointed with how it looked on her.

Her excitement growing, she felt a sudden, accelerating warmth within her chest and pussy. She was turned on a bit sure, but she didn’t think to this degree. Suddenly, the outfit began to cling to her tighter, gripping her body as if it was vacuum sealed.

“Huh? What is-GYAH!?”

Ann stumbled back a bit, the outfit coming to literal life and hugging her tight down the very crack of her ass cheeks. It was suffocating to say the least, yet she could surprisingly breathe fine, the outfit somewhat pulsating with a give and take as it bore down on her body. It was starting to feel like hands were all around her, grabbing at her flesh and working it.

“Wh-What is happening? Guh, oh my god! AAAHN!”

Ann fell back onto her bed, writhing in confused pain and pleasure, her body being brutally squashed by the suit and filled with a searing heat that warmed her down to the bones. She could only buck and kick, grabbing hold to the bedsheets for dear life as she felt her body start to contort. Her bones rattled and she heard loud snaps ring out, her inside feeling as if they were twisting under a vice. Each of her legs seized before elongating, her arms following shortly after. Flipping onto her other side, Ann didn’t know what to make of it all yet, experiencing an intense growth spurt coming all at once. It was excruciatingly intense, and it scared her, but it also… excited her?

“Please stop! I-I can’t take this, AAAGH! P-Presuuure. I feel—guhn! It feels sooOOOOH!”

Ann’s eyes nearly rolled back as she felt a sudden orgasm forced upon her by her body’s reactions. The suit was buried into her wet slit, flossing at it as the changes progressed. Her legs grew even further, hiking her butt into the air. Suddenly her hips felt as if they broke apart, yanked in both directions by the clutches of the suit before being pushed back inward, slotting into place like a pair of poseable legs being attached to an action figure.

Ann glided forward on the bed, cumming wildly inside the outfit, her lower body now disproportionate in size to her torso. She had much wider hips now compared to her typically slim, young adult body, and her legs went for miles. She was in no place to admire them however, her mind still reeling from the fear and overwhelming pleasure. But as the changes progressed, she could feel herself slipping into a state of relishment, acclimating to the pain to appreciate the ecstasy she was feeling.

As if to tease her of this fact, the suit’s grip lessened slightly, her torso and upper body  now growing as well, but at a more gradual pace. Ann’s eyes fluttered, her mind wading through a miasma of conflict. This was good, right? It didn’t hurt anymore. So maybe things will start returning to normal? No, she was still changing, that much she could tell, her arms lengthening and torso dragging as she kept adding on centimeters to her height. But this was so unsatisfying, it was just getting good!

Ann groaned and her eyes twitched, feeling a pull at her mind. It felt like something buried within her subconscious was whispering to her, tugging at the fringes of her thoughts. It was foreign, the voice of another, but one that still felt familiar to her. Her mind wandered back to what Anis had said back at the shop, about a hidden self. Was this…

“Huh? AAAHN! Oh my~!”

Ann felt the flesh of her face writhe, bones shifting and jostling her features about. At the same time, a black coat of color began to seep out from the roots of her hair, gradually staining her long blonde mane. The puzzling thoughts rising from within her became louder, and the louder they became the faster the black of her hair spread. It was as if the thoughts themselves were poisoning Ann’s vision of herself. The more she thought about, the more she listened to the rising whispers, the more she realized she hated herself.

You want to be more confident don’t you… sexy? The voices asked.

Ann responded with a series of moans as her face shifted more, features similar to the character she was cosplaying emerging upon her face. Except they looked older, more like that of a mature, experienced woman in her late 20s with impeccable skin and permed lashes. A woman oozing beauty.

A mature body to be ogled, one that you can flaunt is what you want?

“O-O-Ooooh yeeesss~.” Ann responded, her mind drowning in a blanket of muck poisoning her every thought, the suit itself drawing out her most hidden desires and making them the most important thing in the world for her. Every thought, every want was leading to them.

The corruptive black ran like rivers down the blonde landscape of her hair, her face twisting one last time into the more adult visage of Ann from the game, leaving the Ann of reality behind. She accepted this new version of herself gladly, and in doing so, the suit grabbed hold violently once more, the harsh love to her body that was missing returning to her.


Ann sunk into another bout of bliss, welcoming it gladly as her hidden self grappled hold of her mind, the blonde of her hair now fully taken over by the black. The outfit now having forced its will upon its new owner, the ball was now rolling, Ann’s body rapidly hiking up a whole inch or so until stopping as she reached the full crest of her orgasm. She was now older by at least 7 years and taller by a whole 2 feet. Ann didn’t even need to look at herself to feel pleased with the results. She could feel the improvements the suit was caressing. The warmth hadn’t left her though.

The hidden Ann desired even more. And with that desire came the desire for a new name, a way to firmly shove her old self into the past. Thus, Andrea was born.

Quietly moaning, she basked in the afterglow, her mind racing over what else it wanted, the suit clinging tightly in anticipation. As she mused, the clip on tail fused with the lower back of the suit, and began gently wagging back and forth. It rose quietly into the air, dancing upon the playful thoughts of Andrea as if connected with her whims. She was too lost in her simmering, seductive thoughts though to notice.

Looking down at herself, Andrea ran a hand down the length of her tummy, admiring the texture of the sleek latex. Her head was throbbing with developing ideas about what more she desired, her cravings growing more abundant by the second. The suit itself pulsated alongside these thoughts, a living organism awaiting its next meal. She understood enough what was happening, that this suit was unlocking her deepest desires. However there was more to it. What had been unleashed was beyond anything the old her could’ve imagined, a being with an urge to lash out, the very thought of doing so making her sopping wet within the suit. Whether it was born from the outfit or herself, she knew the moment she left the house all she would think about, all she would want to do, would be to dominate everyone before her.

“Fuuuck, I can’t wait!” She proclaimed, the tail of the suit wrapping around her upper thigh, clutching it like a stress ball. “I want to step on all the cute, pathetic masses… grind them beneath my heels~. But to do so I need…”

Andrea’s thoughts trailed to her body once more. While pretty, she wasn’t perfect in her eyes. Improvements needed to be made. She not only needed the curves to reel in her prey, but the strength to subdue them. And with that thought crystalized, the suit came violently to life once more, hugging her as tight as it ever had.

The woman stumbled, backside into a wall, her head arching to the ceiling as a trail of drool flung from her mouth. It was absolute bliss for the awakening dominatrix, hips painfully creaking, her muscles excruciatingly straining, and her flesh being groped harsh by the invisible hands of the suit. Every inch covered by the latex was in flux, flesh bulging and reshaping as the mass beneath it expanded. Fat and muscle grew quickly within key areas of her body, her mind envisioning a shapely form that the suit was all too eager to help realize. Her body was being violated down to its very makeup, and it excited the fuck out of her.

“Ahhaah! Shape me! Rape me! FREEEE MEEEE~!!”

Andrea wanted out, the form she knew she deserved bubbling to the surface like a tied down beast wrestling for freedom. It progressed quickest at her legs, her calves tightening with strength yet retaining their sensual slopes. Her thighs were the same, but bulked up much more considerably, enough that the suit's tail was barely clinging on. Soon came an explosion of fat though, thigh meat leaking out the openings in the tail as it hung on for dear life. Things continued up her body, her rumbling hips finally snapping wide, carrying with them an explosion of fat into her ass and hips. It was with enough ferocity that she stumbled back forward, catching herself by the bed. Staring down, she saw the thigh high boots she had laid out.

It was time. Andrea sat down onto the bed and prepared to slip the boots onto her strong, beautiful legs. As she positioned the first, her ass gave a kick, muscle packing in tightly, one cheek at a time.

“Aaahn! I know, I know! Just settle down will you. Give me a moment~.”

There was a brief reprieve for her as she slipped on each boot. They fit perfectly, hugging the contours of her legs as if specifically made for her. Flexing her legs, the boots tightened, the sound of clinging latex being stretched filling her ears. Such a delightful sound.

It was at this moment Andrea noticed the tail wagging between her legs. As her excitement towards seeing it grew, it wagged with more franticness. She thought of it moving left, it moved left. She thought of it moving right, it moved right. It was then she surmised it was truly her own tail now.

“Puuurfect. Ahaha-guh! OOOH!”

Andrea whipped back onto the bed, arching her back, as the suit wasted no time getting back to work. Her torso was screaming under the pressure, her pussy bound as tight as sealed meat, a very noticeable cameltoe present against the latex that her tail wasted no time rubbing against as its owner could only think of heightening the experience even further. Grinding back and forth, she could feel electric pleasure run through her already throttled body.


Andrea was losing her god damn mind over the pleasure, sinking into even more depraved thoughts as her body accelerated towards completion. Her sides and tummy strengthened into a tighter core, yet still accenting the extreme pear shape to her body below. She could feel the clenching of her abs, strength she’d need for playing with her toys.

The thought of play turned dark quickly, thoughts of tossing her toys into walls or worse, smacking them about with her hands. She clenched her fists, her arms throbbing with the new power she’d need to do just that. It wasn’t enough to ruin her elegant form, but the muscle simmering beneath the surface would be more than enough to beat her victims to whatever pulp she felt deserving.

“Ahahah! Hahaha! You pathetic Swiiiines, uhn! Don’t know what you are in foorOOH! OOOOH~!”

Andrea’s chest jostled to life, the harsh groping unearthing layer upon layer of fat on her small tits. The suit was unrelenting in its grip though, despite how quickly her chest was expanding in size. She didn’t care though, she welcomed the pain of it, her babies fighting for dominance over the suit creating them. It was the final step for her, to prove that she deserved this, that this was a product of herself and not some fucking magical suit. Andrea was the real her, and these her real tits!

“Thank you for the gift! But it’s time I take over! Guhnn! AAAGH! SUBMIT!!”

The pair of breasts exploded with a massive release of mass, kicking up against the hold of the suit like an airbag. Andrea herself thrusted them forward with an extra effort, causing another rippling of fat to be unleashed. It was so liberating, her cleavage a giant, prominent crack deepening between two mountains wriggling free of the red landscape of the suit. There was no way the suit could keep them hidden completely. As tightly as they were held, they desired to be seen, the tops of the mounds squeezing out as much as they possibly could, looking as if they were fighting for position out the exit of the top.

Needless to say, Andrea was over the moon, every nerve screaming in ecstasy alongside her cascading moans. Her tail furiously grinded her quivering pussy locked within the throes of pleasure. The woman was stun locked, cumming again and again with no end in sight. Each release felt like another birth. Anything remaining of Ann was being consumed each time by Andrea and her birthday wish, biting off a piece of cake until the woman she once was was a mere hazy indifference, being digested within the dark muck of her sadistic soul. The woman Ann was just another victim to her, a lowly mongrel she never wanted to think about again.

With Ann now completely eradicated, body and soul, Andrea let out her final orgasmic cry, a manic, gaping, evil smile displayed across her face. Her eyes were rolled up, and her teeth were drenched in strings of saliva, like a mad beast savoring the meal of a lifetime.

Once the meal was over, all she could do was relish in the afterglow. Sprawled on the bed, the air was thick with her musk, and as her eyes fluttered, she thought she could visibly see the stench. What she saw though wasn’t the scent of her birth made manifest, but of reality itself starting to warp into a hazy visage. It was shifting and swirling before her as if synced with her whiplashed mind, which was trying to recollect what her goals were after such an intense throttling of both body and soul.

Slowly rising up from the bed, she stumbled over towards her gloves she had yet to put on.

“Oh… that’s right. Heheh. I need to get dressed for my next session.”

Visions flashed within her head. They were dreams of being the head of a BDSM dungeon, turning into vivid memories indistinguishable from reality. As she slid on each glove, more of her fantasies corrupted her mind, any thoughts tethered to her existing as Ann in this world being snuffed out. In fact, knowledge of the videogame character who had started her down this path ceased to be within her reality. Cosplayer? No, she had always been this way. She was a mistress of her own dungeon.

The distortion in her bedroom began to reform into cobbled walls lined with frightening BDSM toys. This reality was made ever more clear for her once she grabbed hold of the fake whip and felt it firm within her grip, the material becoming real buckskin. Yes, she always went as authentic with her whips.

“Right… my next appointment I’m dealing with two lowly mutts.”

Visions of men and women she had punished in the past flowed through her, the experience of many sessions inflicting pain onto others for her and their bliss penetrating every orifice of her being, body trembling in delight.

As new memories settled in, old ones were mixed in, Ann’s love for sci-fi painting upon the reality formed for her. The distortion of the space became stronger and visually more cyberpunk in its architecture, brutalist walls splattered with neon, and the toys on the walls turning high tech. Even her leather suit changed, the last of its magic being pumped out into the distortion itself to give Andrea the reality she craved. It’s job done, it too turned high tech, the tail becoming mechanical in nature, though still guided by her thoughts—made apparent by her grinding it once more against her slit as the world of her dreams formed around her.

A sadistic gleam formed in her eyes and she let out a flurry of laughs as her mind clicked into place with this new reality, the distortion fading from her view as her magnificent dungeon filled her vision. And there they were, on their hands and knees trembling anxiously before her, her two pathetic pups she was her to punish.

Andrea was now right where she belonged.

“Alright you fucking mongrels!” Andrea yelled with a commanding tone that truly oozed disgust. “Line up for your punishment.”

The two men, ball gagged and cuffed at the arms and legs, shuffled best they could in front of the woman towering above them, whip strained in her grip. They presented themselves like groveling dogs, to which Andres responded to with a swift stomp to the head of one with her heeled boot, and a kick to the side of the face on the other.

“Such groveling waste! I don’t want to see your hideous mugs! When I say line up, you present yourself to me like the filthy dogs you are!”

The two men took the message loud and clear, quickly shifting themselves around and presenting their asses nice and high to their mistress, like bitches in heat.

“Good. Those lovely peaches are the only thing worth a damn on you creeps. Such pathetic creatures desperate for affection. Well I will show you none!”

Andrea cracked her whip violently across the bottoms of the two men, scarring the landscapes she gave praise to but moments before. She lived to ruin such things after all. Again and again, the sound echoed through the chamber, accompanied by muffled, blood curdling screams. The gags made sure that none of her pets barks of agony would overpower her satisfied cackle.

After what felt like an eternity of a beating, the two men collapsed on the floor in a heap. Andrea looked hardly worse for wear, her body finally tuned for dishing out long term punishment. The two men wouldn’t last much longer and there was still time on the session. She figured this might be a golden opportunity to train one of her new hires.


A meeker sounding voice trying to act tough answered the call.

“Yes Mistress!?”

“Come darling. It is your turn to draw blood~.”

A short, redheaded lady entered the room. She was a new hire, and like all who worked under Andrea, she had a suit similar to Andrea’s, with all the same functionality. Besides the tail working off mental sensors detecting commands from one’s brain, the entire suit could also be affected by this tech. With the proper direction, one could channel pressure to the tail, feet or hands to make the force of a whip or even a step more impactful. Scarlet hadn’t had much practice with the suit yet, but that mattered little to Andrea. She always threw her employees into the thick of things—action being the best teacher in her mind.

The timid, but determined Violet stepped before her victim, staring at the bruised and bloody flesh of his ass cheeks. She also noticed a pool of cum on the floor. These men truly did enjoy the treatment. It is something that Scarlet always fantasized about, being able to make people so much bigger and confident than her bend to her well and feel pleasure at her commanding discretion. She worried she didn’t have the stomach for it however, and so never expected to be hired by a place like this that she took a chance on. That said, seeing the depraved sight before her made her heart skip a beat, and she clenched her whip tight, the gloves adding pressure.

“Good girl.” Andrea said, noticing the growing intensity in her apprentice's eyes. “Now follow my lead.”

The two women raised their whips, Andrea first, and began to whip the two men, this time on the yet untouched flesh of their thighs. Andrea laughed maniacally, and Violet tried her best to imitate it. Hers however, came out forced, less an evil, joyful laugh than an amused one. She was turned on by the sight of her man squirm, feeling a rush from being the one delivering such brutal strikes, but there was something missing. It still felt as if she was experiencing it through a window of a fantasy, the actions she was taking not coming forth with the whole of her heart behind them.

Andrea noticed this and decided to change pace to see if she could draw something further out of her apprentice. She brought her tail into the mix, spanking the man a few times harsher than the whip could manage, before wrapping it around his waist and squeezing down on it unbearably tight. Violet struggled to keep pace, delivering weaker spankings and wrapping her tail around one leg rather than the man’s waist. When she moved to correct her mistake to the waist, the pressure wasn’t quite there, and she fell behind another maneuver from Andrea, who had moved the tail down to the man’s balls and dick, coiling around them with a crushing grip.

The act shocked Scarlet, it being something she would’ve never thought to do herself. Even more startling was the pained shriek the man gave out. It made her jump and realize how far behind she was from her mistress in delivering effective pleasure to her client. Her man was moaning sure, but merely riding a mild wave.

“Do not hold back! Crush the garbage before you Violet! It wants to be, no, it deserves to be treated like the trash it is!”

“Y-Yes Mistress!”

Violet scrambled to keep up, having moments where felt she had reached a groove, only to be severely outdone by her Mistress. The awkward dance lasted for several more minutes before the session was finally over. Seeing her man walk out of the room while Andrea’s went limping told her all she needed to know. She had failed.

Violet was about to leave the room in shame before Andrea blocked her path, backing her up towards a cold, rigid steel bed within the room. She was a deer caught in headlights, a look of simmering rage on her Mistress’ face.

“You fucked up my dear, no other way to put it.”

Andrea’s scowl grew more prominent.

“You know the tools at your disposal, the gift I have given to you by bringing you here! Yet you keep yourself caged! You offensive slut!”

Andrea smacked Violet across the face, hard enough for her to collapse onto the bed. Her brain rattled within the aftermath, fear, pain, confusion all mingling together, as well as a twinge of bubbling pleasure within the aftermath.

“M-Mistress wait! Please I can-HAAH!”

She was struck again, this time on the other cheek, tears streaming down her face. Thanks to the pressure enhancements on the gloves, it felt like being hit by the boxing glove from a seasoned fighter. She already looked out of it, so Andrea pulled any further strikes. She needed her disappointing apprentice awake for the harsh lesson she was about to give.

“You silly, sad excuse for a dominatrix. You can fantasize all you want, but you bring shame to this dungeon with a performance like that! I know you can do more you bitch!”

Andrea’s tail coiled around one of Violet’s legs tighter than a snake and dragged her into a flipped position on the table. She then grabbed hold of her ass cheeks and clenched tight. It was like the bite of a predator, pounds of pressure coming from the fingers clamping down on her soft flesh.

“THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE ONE SUBMIT!” Andrea snarled, her emotions reaching a high, her eyes like daggers bearing down on the squirming, crying Scarlet.

Andrea moved one of her hands to her the woman’s throat, and began to squeeze. Through the ordeal, Violet could only cough and force out the occasional plea. However, Andrea could sense her lesson soaking in. It was obvious to her that this virgin of a sadist had never experienced true abuse, had not reached real pleasure. Easing her into a state of being where it all clicked through forceful demonstration was the only hope she had of unleashing the beast within her.

Violet’s suit was going haywire in its actions as her head reached a hazy high through the lack of oxygen. Mind and heart were racing, the excitement amongst all the chaos rising up from the darkness of her desires long kept at bay. Her suit tightened and loosened, and her tail wriggled wildly, before constricting one of her own legs in a hunt for higher pleasure. Maybe she had reached some form of enlightenment through the abuse, but something was crystal clear for her now. This is what it means to force one’s will over someone. This is what those on the receiving end desire from those they give themselves over to. There was no love here between parties, one couldn’t think of such things if true, passionate pain were to be inflicted and received. This was about returning to humanity’s base instincts, to be predator and prey!

Eyes nearly rolling back into her head, Violet gave out a guttural cry of ecstasy, her Mistress letting go of her throat and pounding her face flat onto the steel bed. Andrea then used her tail to bind the woman’s arms together, a malicious smile forming on her face as she witnessed the curl in her apprentice’s quivering lips. Violet begged for more, for her teacher to stain this flower red.

“You wish to be set free my little demon?” Andrea asked, fainting a concerned tone.

“No! N-Nooo! I need more! Show me more! Show me what I must become Mistress!”

Andrea kneed Violet in the crotch hard, unleashing her most shrill cry yet. Drool and tears pooled beneath her face, eyes darting around as he grew more manic within the throes of her torture. Aside from the pressure her Mistress was delivering to her, she was increasing the tightness on her own suit in order to essentially self-grope her body.

Andrea’s heart stirred over the tasty sight before her, so she leaned in and took a bite of her shoulder. Violet thrashed in response.


The sadist had breached the surface, but she was still caged in, the only thing she could lash out at being her own body. So she did, using the pressure points at the nub of her own tail to penetrate herself, forcing the tail deep inside her, uncaring of the suit’s material being a barrier between the two. Through her thoughts she had softened the suit in that particular area to make it manageable. She was free to fuck herself… raw, hard, without relent, like the insatiable monster she was.


The bestowing of this new name caused Violet’s mind to shatter within a great awakening. It all felt right. This was her, the real her, buried deep for so long! She was finally free, and fuck did it feel amazing!


The most body shattering orgasm of her life hit the woman, Scarlet biting hard onto her lip until it bled as she rammed her suit's tail dangerously fast against her inner sanctum. There was nothing left pure about this body of hers, she was a predator who had stolen it all from her prey.

Moments later, she was spent, Scarlet breathing heavily beneath her Mistress like a slumbering lion as things quieted. Andrea pet the head of her apprentice, raking her scalp with her long, sharp nails.

“Very good my newborn maiden of violence~. Now you understand the potential within you.”

Though spent, Scarlet gave out a delirious chuckle, completely enamored with what had just played out. She could hardly move her body, but she was desperate to get started, her nails dragging on the surface of the steel bed.

“Oooh Mistress, I need it. I need to destroy all those filthy creatures. I want to break them… I want to tear them—”

“Shush, I know dear. But you are in no state to do so my eager dominatrix. First you must rest. My other employees can pick up the slack in the meantime.”

Scarlet tried her best to rise to her feet, but simply hadn’t the strength, and collapsed back onto the bed, slowly drifting into unconsciousness, and then sleep. Andrea then walked away, giving a last look back at the slumbering demon she had helped birth, before shutting the dungeon door behind her.


The chime of a store door rings out, and into the dusty, antique store of Anis walked Andrea. It was a store she had visited before, a visit that had changed both her and her reality, though that was nothing but a buried pull upon her mind. She had no firm recollection of her past life, yet a yearning down below she couldn’t explain drew her to enter this store, which existed in all realities, on her search for a gift.

As she wandered the many shelves and clothes racks, a strange sense of familiarity washed over her. She hadn’t much time to dwell on it though, as a gorgeous woman approached her, dressed in clothes as antique as the items within the store.

“Need any help dear?” Anis asked.

“Yes. You have an interesting store here. So many trinkets from long ago, and in such good condition. I’m looking for something for a regular client of mine, one who seeks confidence in herself. I figured old items like these tend to give off an aura of status. My mind is just wandering I suppose. She is such a self-conscious creature, I felt I should reward her.”

Anis mused for a bit, then snapped her fingers.

“I think I have just the thing.”

Anis slid away for a moment, before returning with an ornate looking folding fan.

“In the past fans like these were often tied to status, brandished by those with confidence and a flare for the dramatic. I’m sure it will pull something out of her~.”

She handed the fan to Andrea.

“You don’t say? Fine, seems good enough. So what do I owe you?”

“Nothing my dear. This vast collection is for the sake of helping people like your friend. It is my duty to draw the best of others outward.”

It was an odd line, but Andrea felt as if she understood, thinking back to how she drew the best out of Scarlet days prior.

She took the fan and left without another word, Anis gently waving her off. Both parties smiled, feeling assured they were about to help yet another imprisoned soul.


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