Taking Control

Artwork: Seon and Lazier

Mujina couldn’t help but stare on in awe at the glimmering blast beaming out of the giant Dynazenon mech straight through the Kaiju she was merged with. She could feel herself, the Kaiju, along with her other members of the Kaiju Eugenicists, slowly dissipating under the heat of the particles dazzling the skyline of the city. This was surely her death, and yet she could only feel a warm embrace wrapping around her from the Dynazenon’s attack. How could she feel so calm about this?
Looking to each of her sides, she could sense the same calm had fallen over the rest of her team as well. The Kaiju Eugenicists had a simple goal, to use their ability to control Kaiju to wipe out humanity. They’d been betrayed and killed already in the past, and now revived once more in the modern day only to die again? Mujina’s body tensed a little at the thought. All she had were Kaiju, and the eugenicists—this was all she could do.
“Is it better this way?” Mujina softly asked, wondering if her team’s goals were misguided.
“No, Kaiju will have their future yet.” one of her team members confidently replied.
Mujina felt a tug at her heart over that response. She wanted to agree with it, yet her body tensed even more in defiance to it. Feeling a swell of newfound energy and a drive to escape, she re-actively separated herself from the Kaiju and her team, their goals no longer in alignment. She then plummeted to the ground and she tried using her reflexes to soften the fall, utilizing the walls of some nearby buildings. She landed harshly however, her body laying battered and severely injured on the ground of an isolated alley. Even more concerning was that her body was still disintegrating like it was within the Kaiju, and hastening despite the ejection. Damnit, she wanted to live!
She heard a voice call out to her from the entrance of the alley. It was a man asking if she needed help, running towards her in a panic. Mujina didn’t have time to waste, paying little attention to him. Her mind jumped from one idea to the next, trying to grasp at any string of thought that could lead her out of her predicament. It was futile, her thoughts constantly bouncing to Kaiju and her job. She truly was empty, having never wanted for anything, never thinking of much else.  Running on pure adrenaline she defaulted to her sole skill, the only thing she had.
“Instance Domination!”
While declaring the name of her technique, she pointed an outstretched hand towards the man who had come to help, her eyes glowing a fierce, ruby red. Her hand was lying horizontal, palm facing him, her fingers parted between the middle finger and ring, revealing the serious, yet pained stare of one of her eyes. Her crippled body was fading fast, it was do or die. All she could do was hope to hell this worked.
A blinding flash rippled through her psyche and her eyes dilated. She felt encased within a marble of shifting energy, memories of a life not her own swirling within the chaos. She weaved around them towards an electrifying pulse at the center, colors flashing rapidly past her vision and the pain of her body fading. Everything she was leaving behind felt like a burden she was freeing herself from, the man whose mind she was filling possessing something she lacked, something she couldn’t make sense of.
Mujina gasped, her face contorting into a silent scream as she awoke within the body and mind of the man she had just dominated, her eyes still glowing red as if the Instant Domination hadn’t worn off. Whatever rush she had initially felt from the transfer completely faded after the uncomfortable nature of her new body set in. It felt wrong, but she’d take it over death—seeing the last remnants of her previous body break apart into flaky sparks of light. Not wanting to be seen, she ran to a nearby apartment courtesy of the memories of the man she now inhabited.
Finding some peace and quiet to herself inside, she started to think about what came next while trying to ignore the macho decor that was a constant reminder of her new body. Would there be a way of bringing back her comrades? If not should she counter attack the Dynazenon squad? Surely she’d perish if she did so alone. She kept screaming in her head that it was all that she could do. Kaiju, fighting, it was all she could do!
She cursed and slammed a fist onto the kitchen counter. Looking down at what she deemed her new, disgusting body made her want to puke. She missed the days of being stoic with no direction. Her thoughts were simpler then, less challenged about what it meant to have a purpose in life. She thought she found that answer when that boy Koyomi lit a fire under her, but she realized it was all empty passion now, that guy finding his path while hers crumbled around her. This body and world, a new life she knows nothing about, it couldn’t possibly fix her ailing soul…
“Is this all I can be now, even less than I was before? Am I simply a passenger in someone else’s life?” Mujina muttered, nearly in tears for the first time she could remember as she made her way to the bedroom and sat slouched on the bed. Her body repulsed her. The feeling of a dick between her legs was so foreign and uncomfortable, and the rugged features of her face, the man’s broad, husky figure—it was all too much!
A sudden tickling to her cheek caught her attention though and she unsquinted her face to notice a long collection of hair falling down. She lightly touched it as she felt more of her short, male hair growing out into a style very familiar to her. It became more voluminous and puffed out at the back and behind her ears. Her hair stopped growing past her chin, with the sides near her cheeks falling down just past her nose. Her bangs became long as well, parting over her left eye and being swept to the right side of her forehead. It was her old hairstyle, the hair she thought she’d lost forever, a wash of purple and gray mingling together as it recolored the dark brown of old.
It was at this point she noticed the faint, energizing hum of Instant Domination still prickling her body, only now it was growing stronger. The warmth overtaking her rekindled a memory she had buried but was surprised she hadn’t looked back on during the long, quiet nights of contemplation. She thought back on the day out she had at the waterpark with her team, her time in the onsen specifically. This warmth reminded her of the calming heat of those waters and how it left her without a care in the world. Through all the chaos and focus on her job, she had completely forgotten how much she had craved that sense of fleeting relaxation the moment it was over.
Mujina began to breath more heavily as her body heated up, gripping at her displeasing, hairy arms as they were coated with sweat. She felt the frustration over that day growing more apparent, the surprising fun she had that was quickly erased by the seemingly pressing matters of the Kaiju Eugenicists. She always fell in line with the men around her, blindly following orders without thinking of whether it brought her happiness or not. It was all she knew, all she knows…
“Oooh, fuck! Fuck…” Mujina cursed with a whimper of pleasure, closing her eyes as the heat began to overwhelm her. She’d never cursed much before, but anger was boiling inside her, cursing her old self for not realizing things sooner, hating the now masculine resonance of her voice. Knowing that her hair had already changed, she focused on an image of herself in her mind, begging to be freed, for a true second chance.
She rose up from the bed as a delightful pleasure she wasn’t used to washed over her. She continued gripping her arms, feeling the sweat coalesce into finer, slimy clumps that began to eat away at the hair on her arms, then carry it off her body as they slid off her. In their wake, smooth, creamy skin remained, not a speck of curly, unrefined body hair left. The process was happening everywhere, her legs, her backside, even around the uncomfortable rod wedged between her legs—that was to her dismay, starting to rise. All the viscous sweat and hair traveled enticingly down her legs, out from her knee length shorts, and pooled on the ground below.
Through hazy vision that slowly began to clear, Mujina gazed at her trembling hands, and then her arms, and then her legs. Her skin had returned to her, the unblemished perfection and white glaze unmistakable. She clenched her fists and focused more on the image of herself in her mind.
That’s right, I’m my own person. she thought, an epiphany firing on all nerves inside her brain. I can do more than follow the Eugenicists. I can live my own life!
As she could feel a trembling in her body intensifying, she hugged herself, hands resting on each shoulder. She whispered to herself, begging for more as the heat permeated throughout her entire body. The sweat kept flowing as she basked in the onsen of her mind, her muscles wriggling and contorting before relaxing under the steamy barrage. As they relaxed, the hardened muscle softened and deflated, while unwanted flesh dripped from her form. The subtle sounds of crunching bone rang out too, her height decreasing with each gentle pop. It was as if she was sweating off the pounds all at once, her slenderizing shoulders a good indicator of how far she came by how far they sloped.
Mujina began to move away from her shoulders and started rubbing her frenzied body. This whole process was becoming more enticing, but she wanted a hand in it herself. This was her own life she was taking charge of after all, and she would sculpt it from her own hands. With that in mind, one hand grabbed hold of the other and began to squeeze, their large, sturdy structure fading into putty under her grip as she compressed. The more she squeezed, the daintier they became, quickly moving to massaging and tugging at each finger to help mold them into a perfect compliment to the gentle slopes of her hand. She lightly brushed each fingernail along the way, feeling them elongate into a more fitting peak for her extremities. She actually made them slightly longer than she had before, a form of subtle expression as she warmed up to the idea of being in control of her own looks. She could style herself however she wished, all she needed was her body back.
Wasting no time, Mujina moved to the other hand, sighing happily as her lithe fingers returned. Both her arms and hands were back, and looked really unsightly upon her male physique. She was thinner now, and more devoid of muscle no doubt, but there was much work to do and the transformation wasn’t going fast enough. Likely needing more of her encouragement, she gladly ran her delicate fingers across the marbled landscape of her abhorrent abs, pressing tight at the flesh at the top of the row. She then pushed, with all her might, palms following the trail of her fingers downward as she began flattening those stones into a firm, more sensual physique. Muscle was still prevalent there, but it had been refined into something hidden and more befitting a lady such as herself—lean and taut.
It was a delightful feeling removing the layer of chiseled manliness to unveil the beauty that was her’s. She dared say it even felt rewarding. Though it came to an unsettling end as her hands reached the bottom of her abdomen, and it was then she could feel a lump of hardened flesh gathered there. All the muscle she had rolled away like dough now sat at a precipice above her groin which she could feel a sickening twitch within. There was nowhere else to go with it and she understood that she had to work to find her purpose. Carrying that in mind, she continued to push the clump of gelatinous muscle down, feeling it shift and bubble into her cock. She winced, afraid to look, doing her best to not pay notice to the sensations spurring her to full mast.
Gritting her teeth, Mujina struggled with the final leg of her journey, clenching her body in an attempt to hold back the molten fire rising towards her mushroom-headed peak. It only made things more exhaustive, her body straining. What had started as a pleasing process had now become a physical stonewall ready to give… and it did.
Cursing again and gasping for air, Mujina’s eyes opened wide as she felt an expulsion of cum from her dick into her itchy boxers. She was bewildered and doubled forward into a wall, weak from the release. It was exhilarating for her dick still pumping out seed and whatever mass she forced out of her into her dampening shorts, yet the act wasn’t pleasant to her, giving a disgusted grunt as she gazed down at the mess being made.
“I don’t know why you’re producing so much cum, but if that’s what allows me to fix myself… I’ll let you be for now.”
She did find some joy though in the fact the reformation of her core had finished, her tender fingers feeling nothing but feminine bliss under their padding. Her shame turned to anger as she wished she could indulge in her true body within this moment of arousal. She hadn’t spent enough time indulging in her vices back in the day for she was far too empty of heart and focused only on her work. But she wouldn’t let this filth ruin relishing over her body’s return.
Focusing her anger, Mujina ignored the precum bubbling up from her still erect cock, and pressed aggressively down on her sides, assuming that her shifting innards and the tingle in her lower back were a good sign of where she should focus next. It was an excruciating, but exhilarating experience, everything inside her compacting down and the developing curvature of her spine jutting her chest out more. Slowly her figure was collapsing, a fine slope dipping under her ribcage around her toned tummy. She could almost picture the sight of herself in the swimsuit she wore that day at the waterpark, and in there lied hope that she could try out many more on her impeccable figure. The building sense of pride was a surprise as it was new for her, but she couldn’t help it. She damned this male shape, thirsting only for that perfect, hourglass physique she once possessed. It was the figure meant for her, one that could appeal to all her developing wants and needs.
She nearly lost her balance as she felt a large pop in her lower back. More was surely on the way, her spine rattling under pulsating flesh. Her sides had become clumps of trembling meat as well, unsure of where to flee. Her body’s indecisiveness pissing her off, she gripped with fervor and pushed even harder, her moans carrying into loud wails of vexation. Where the unwanted mass decided to go, she didn’t care, all that mattered was this moment, her hands, her flesh, all of it working in tandem to recreate what she appreciated now more than ever.
“My body... guh, yes! Return to me!” Mujina cried out, feeling her sides finally collapse beneath the dominant clench of her fingers.
What followed was the most guttural, carnal howl of Mujina’s life as she collapsed onto the bed, her whole body having the wind knocked out of it from the intense changes, her spine thrusting out as it too reached its proper shape. Some of the mass she had destroyed spilled into her hips and ass—chaotically though and poorly distributed. The rest came out her cock like her abs before, unnaturally clumpy, thick strings of white pumping into her already soaked boxers.
While gathering her breath, Mujina glared at the tent in her shorts and said, “Guh, there it goes again. You really are disgusting.”
Doing her best to pay it no heed, she laid her head back and brought her thoughts elsewhere. Daydreams of what she’d wear once she regained her body trickled in. Much of what she knew of fashion came from the women she had seen wandering the streets, and while it took a while to remember some of them distinctly, the ones she did recall made her heart flutter. She thought about how liberating it must feel to dress in such wide arrays of style whenever you wish, not tethered by any expectations. She couldn’t wait to explore her sensual side, to touch her body earnestly for the first time while lounging in lingerie. Yes… purple underwear with black lace and trim, perhaps a small, lavish bow settled above the groin, and a purple bra with a black ivy pattern perfectly fondling her breasts, for it knew she was a paragon.
As she drank in the sight of her ideal alone time, the clothes on her body began to shift as if alive while the red in Mujina’s eyes flickered brighter. The seams of her loose fitting shirt began to unweave themselves out of existence, until all that was left was a small collection of cloth running across her chest and around her neck. Her shorts on the other hand disappeared completely, leaving only a pair of shrinking boxers behind. The undergarments were on a mission, bending to the will of Mujina’s desires by growing soft like velvet and turning purple as they took the shape of the woman's underwear she had pictured. They sadly were still hugging a fairly male figure though, her dick a sickly bulge within their gentle embrace.
Thankfully Mujina felt a jiggle in her ass, then another, the disheveled flesh that had been pushed there desperately searching for a home. She wasted no time sticking her hands down to her exposed cheeks to guide them. The clumps of fat were erratic, scurrying about like rodents. She corralled them with her fingers and collected them beneath her palms. She then pressed down with passionate pressure, forcing it to spread out across the expanse of her butt cheeks. Understandably, this brought elated moans from her lips, as fat rippled and layered upon her masculine glutes, her hands sinking into the thick, bloated hills of femininity. Her hips gave an encouraging pop as they widened, allowing for even more room for her ass to expand and nuzzle her pristine panties into its crack.
Dramatically arching her back, Mujina dug deep into the ass she never showed enough attention to, caressing every slope and prodding every inch of supple flesh. She was so lost in it that she didn’t even notice her dick creaming her newly birthed undies. For once she was completely in sync with it, body and soul focused on one thing, her amazing ass. It was short lived though, as she brought her hands up to her groin and was met with the sticky mess.
“Why can’t I be done with this?” she groaned, somber over the sorry state her panties were already in. Those were for her fluids to christen, not the ghastly spunk of some man.
Mujina rose on the bed and gripped at one of her feet with both hands. She looked quietly determined, but a bead of sweat dripped down her cheek. The red glow of her eyes grew in intensity, shining brighter than they ever had controlling Kaiju.
“I only have to put up with this… thing, a little longer. I must finish this—”
She began to yank at the flesh, then pull on it slowly like the drawn out motion of a massage.
“—for my hah, aaaahn~!”
Mujina silenced herself with an elongated, satisfied cry, as her hands channeled pure bliss. Like her sides before, clumps of flesh began to travel along the path she created, with what it left behind thinning to ladylike appeal. The excess mass around her foot was pulled away, toes shrinking down in size. Her flat feet were beginning to rise at the soles, her determined grip forcing a finer arch to emerge. All of it was carried up her leg, past her ankles that were left in a more delicate state than before, and up to her calves where more brutish muscle needed to be extinguished.
The lump of flesh she carried from her feet now had to overcome the wall that was her calf muscle, but Mujina was undeterred. In fact, she seemed to relish in the brief reprieve, meticulously funneling bits of mass around the contours of the calf. The flesh was bent to her will, bestowed with her intent, and took its time chiseling away at the stone-carved curse of masculinity until it softened. Once it reached a more malleable state she dug in more earnestly, quivering with excitement as she felt muscle and skin slosh under her fingers. A lot of excess bulk had been loosened like before, this time too much for her to carry in two handfuls.
Mujina decided to move quickly despite feeling it may overwhelm her. The excitement was killing her though, knowing full well what this great journey of the flesh was leading to as she guided the first few heaps up past her trembling knee and into her thigh where they began to spread out and coalesce with what was already there. She then dove back to her calf with haste, not allowing the loose flesh to drop, and started the process again. With each delivery she brought to her thigh, she could feel it tremor and the new fat wrap around the steeled muscle riddling it. It was being overpowered, licentious flesh eating away at her male form like an acidic monster, retooling any loss of strength into a firm feminine replacement that better accented her beauty.
She was close to the end, each distribution building towards another fierce climax. This last bit would be all she needed and it sickened her that she’d likely cum from her dick yet again. It was the only reaction befitting seeing her bloated thigh returning, a thigh sturdy and soft that was even larger and more imposing than the pillar of muscle it had consumed. It was unavoidable, she knew it, her dick knew it, this thigh was perfection—her perfection.
“Ooooh fuck! Yes!” Mujina shrieked as she felt her entire thigh tense and settle into shape, her dick like a fire hose spraying wildly as it wriggled its way out of her panties thanks to her thrashing. She composed herself and then immediately got to work on the other leg like a woman possessed. It was just as bewildering and rewarding the 2nd time, her body cramping from the overwhelming assault, her voice begging for more, completely ignoring the filth being jettisoned onto her stomach by her cock.
Mujina lay in a heap, nearly rolled off the side of the bed as she tried gathering her breath and thoughts. From the excruciating recent finish, you’d think she would’ve reached her peak by now. However, she knew she was far from done, her true body still aching beneath her ugly shell. Regaining focus, she moved to her next target, her chest, where warmth was pooling and squeezed. To her joy the flesh was already soft around her nipples, rising like warm dough.
Tweaking her nipples, swirling her breasts, these were things Mujina never contemplated in her old life. She thought of her body as nothing more than a shell to carry out whatever uninspired mission was laid out for her. Her hands never moved with such purpose of her own, and yet here they were playing with budding, sensitive fat for fun, a world of experience unknown to her washing over. The more hefty they became, the more they weighed down on her hands like precious orbs. She wasn’t sure if they or her thighs were her greatest treasures, but they were determined to win out, swelling into beautiful flesh pillows under her grasp as she gripped harshly over her nipples, her palms suffocating the widening, stiff rods. Sparks of pleasure struck her like lightning again and again, Mujina unable to let go of her nipples, her touch hastening the expansion of her chest. All the hardened marble of her physique was being sucked dry and pooled into the hills of fat straining against her grip, each tit squashing against her fingers as if trying to break free from the bars of a cage. They were complete, and like her they needed to be set—
“Freee! Aaahn! They’re free~!” Mujina moaned, her fully formed breasts whipping about as she excitedly bucked over another piece of her returned, falling off the bed with a thud.
As she basked in yet another afterglow, she felt the small collection of cloth still hanging to her upper body shift about and reshape much in the same fashion her boxers had before. The bra she had fantasized about early came into being through it and tenderly cupped each of her tits. It may as well have been the embrace of a lover, and with eyes closed she softly caressed the bra as she would someone’s hand.
Lying on her backside on the floor Mujina’s eyes darted open, the intensity returned. She wasn’t done, the biggest blight upon her form still present as she spread her legs open wide to see her erect member. She hadn’t dare inspect it closely before, but now she was studying it like an enemy. It’s veiny, ribbed surface and bulbous head were an affront, there was no way she could touch such a horrid thing. So instead, she strained with all her might, focusing on its form and how she wanted it to melt away into the warm folds of a pussy. She would not be satisfied unless her own pussy devoured it like the insignificant appetizer it was to her insatiable beauty. She wished to dominate it.
Her angry flexing didn’t seem to be working though, her body merely straining itself to a point of near exhaustion. However there was a tingling within her head, as if a great pressure was building at all sides of her cranium. She figured it must be her face’s time to shine, she’d almost forgotten. So she strained more, veins popping on her forehead as she gritted harder, pushed harder, finally a pressure also building down below in her balls. It was like she was being pressed from both sides, the discomfort building into rapturous compression as she felt the bones of her face tremble and contort, her jaw unlocking and locking back into place as she felt the crunch. She could only lean back and scream as her features were crushed, her balls crushed, her cheeks flattened, her balls flattened, eyes pulled, balls pulled inside, mind swirling, balls swirling within her innards!
“It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s comiiiing!” Mujina harshly moaned, gripping at her throat as she could feel something receding and her voice begin to crack, her own familiar tone beginning to rise from the rasp. Any moment she would hear her own voice return, happily wailing in a fashion she had never heard before. She couldn’t wait to hear it, she couldn’t wait to—!
“Fuuuuck! Yeees!”
Mujina came again, copious amounts spilling onto the floor as her balls that were stuffed inside began pumping out estrogen as a new pair of ovaries, a cavernous space starting to burrow out from them towards her dick. Hearing her own voice had carried her to new heights of pleasure, tears welling in her eyes as even she was surprised at how beautiful it sounded.
“I caaahnt! Stop! Mooooaning! So good! It soooounds so good!”
She rode the waves of moans even longer as her head was finally scrunched down to her usual, delicate size as well, her face destroying any essence of the man before. She felt it up as she squirmed about, her sharp jawline and pointed chin, the sensual bridge of her small nose, her smooth lips, and her round eyes. She was finally back.
She’d never felt more relaxed in her life. She went down on herself in the hopes of meeting her most precious prize to celebrate, but she leaped back in revulsion over what she had touched. That pesky dick still remained.
Mujina scowled at it and yelled, “Damn you! Why won’t you submit!” before sending a hand down to her groin and positioning it in the manner she would when about to control a kaiju, the erect cock wedged between her parted fingers.
“Instance Domination!”
She felt a tug at her dick as it unloaded another thick burst of cum. She didn’t let the recoiling pressure get to her though and held firm.
“Instance Domination!”
Another tug came, and cum yet again, only this time it was looking more diluted than before. Mujina knew she was on the right track despite the damn thing’s stubbornness, a rush of her power signified by a glimmering red in her eyes, her power forcing the rod to submit. She could feel the walls of her forming pussy finally connecting to the base of her cock and the muscles did their best to aid in pulling the unwanted worm into the void.
“I don’t need that damn job with the Eugenicists!” she declared, before yelling out her command once more. “Instance Domination!”
The contractions of her pussy this time were intense, sending her reeling with her head back. Her dick shriveled some as it felt like its girth was being siphoned by the hungry mouth below it. There was unnaturally thick clumps of cum that shot out in large wads this time, but more sporadic—most of what was spewing forth inbetween clear streams of wet juices.
“I don’t need any man… not Onija… not Sizumu… definitely not Juuga.”
She gritted and looked down.
“Instance Domination!”
She heard a large squelch, as a wet mouth opened around the bordering base of her dick. Her pussy had finally reached the surface and held the floundering member within its mouth. Trickles of feminine juices spilled from it, making it appear as if it was salivating over its meal, the dick going limper as it sputtered out only the clearest of spring water from its tip. Mujina was barely holding on, and she felt the next one was it, seeing how pathetic in size her cock had become.
Her eyes filled with red, her pupils lost in the blazing intensity of her desire.
“And I certainly don’t need you to control my fate. Go away!”
She channeled everything she had into her final strike, her command drawling out.
“I-Innnstaaance! D-D-Dooominnnaaatioooon!”
She screamed in uncontrollable bliss as her limp dick was slurped up like a wet noodle. It wasn’t quick however, that noodle thrashing about even after it entered her, being regurgitated only to be sucked up again. The walls of her pussy contracted and fought with all their might to subdue it.
All the while she moaned, “Yes, yes, delete yourself from my existence!”
Eventually her womanhood won, yanking the now pea-sized rod under the embrace of its upper folds—becoming a prized jewel for which Mujina wasted no time going down on to stroke. She fingered as long as she could, her awakening not simply a mere task, but a celebration.
“Oh, it is even better than I imagined! My body, this is my body! It feels so good!” Mujina cried out between hysteria and enchantment as a pool of watery cum continued growing on the floor beneath her. She could now indulge fully in all her body offered. Yes… her body. It had returned, and she would not let it go to waste.
The sounds of crashing waves, the feeling of warm sand beneath her feet, Mujina could take it all in and truly bask in its splendor. It had become a regular outing since having taken control of her life. It was everything she had hoped for, the satisfied feeling of wearing what she desired, regardless of anyone else’s thoughts. Though she had to admit she was growing fond of the obvious stares she was receiving, many eyes judging her rightfully as the beauty she was. She wouldn’t show it outwardly, but she was happy to let them drink her in.
Not far away, on a different stretch of the beach, someone caught a glimpse of the happier, relaxed Mujina. It was Koyomi, the man who had initially sparked the drastic self-questioning in her. The battles they had—Kaiju vs Dynazenon—had since passed, and he was shocked to see her alive and well. He took care to keep out of sight, just in case. He noticed though that she seemed a bit different. She seemed to be having a nice time, not a care in the world, much like that day at the waterpark.  Koyomi was glad and decided to leave her be. It seemed Mujina had found her path.


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